
Need I say anymore!!

Well, I finished making the first batch of homemade bone broth yesterday…it simmered away all day on the stove top.  Right now, I have packaged it into serving-size portions and popped about 4 portions of it in the freezer.

So, what better use for homemade broth than homemade soup.  Here is one of my favourite winter soups.

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup Pic

Carrot, Coconut & Coriander Soup.  Once again, keeping it easy to make – less is more! Great to make in larger batches and freeze.  Have on hand for those occasions when your time may be a little shortened.

If you’re following the recipe, just replace the quantity of water with the bone broth/stock.  Click on the link below and create your magic, enjoy 🙂

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup

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