
Today’s little mantra for us all.

Do you ever find yourself talking negative, giving yourself a hard time or placing too much energy on what don’t have?

Yes, me too!!!  OMG…Why do we do this?  Well gosh, now there is a long list, but hey let’s NOT go there.

Let’s all…

  • Pause;
  • Take 3 deep breaths;
  • I mean, like REAL deep breaths, stand tall and really focus on your breath;
  • Be present in this moment;
  • And now, reflect upon the progress YOU ARE making.

I bet you can list 3 things instantly.  How good does that feel?


I know right, it’s the best.  Sometimes we all just need this little reminder, to give ourselves permission, to celebrate where we are, to connect in with our heart centre and to be grateful – in the now.

Have yourself an awesome day.  You’ve got this xx

I AM making progress

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