Foodie Friday…Beetroot

We all know just how much I appreciate to follow the seasonal produce offerings for the benefits like…

  • Variety of eating, which also means variety of nutrients;
  • Means, I never get bored eating the same thing;
  • It’s super cost effective;
  • Gets me thinking creatively in the kitchen, and
  • Of course when food is in season there is an abundance at great quality.

And of course, those who do know me well, also know that I enjoy a ‘sweet treat’ as I call it.  Being a bit sensitive to sweeteners I try to ensure with my sweet treats that they are not just a big hit of sugar (no matter the sweetener you choose to use), I also look to try and add nourishment to the treat.

You know, achieve a bit of balance.  Check out my recipe below, for these delicious chocolate beetroot muffins

Chocolate & Beetroot Muffins

I actually picked myself up some beetroot at the market recently and also created a delicious warm salad, together with some fresh wild rocket, roast sweet potato, toasted flaked almonds and sprinkled with goats cheese.  It was soooo good – we ate it with a piece of grilled salmon.

Beetroot is one of those cold, warm, sweet and savoury foods – don’t you just love versatile products.


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