The Journey Continues…

My health journey has been an amazing journey.  In fact, it still is.  It’s just continuing with a slightly different look to how I first thought it would.  And I’m grateful for the journey to reach this decision.

Perhaps you have joined me in this social media space, I may have met you speaking at a wellness event or perhaps we’ve done cooking classes together.  However our connection, it’s been an amazing journey, Thank You.

Now, it’s time for change.


When I began my health journey back in 2011 I thought it would be about a few changes replacing Big Macs and sausage rolls for some spinach and green smoothies.  It’s been so much more than that.  Yes, it was about changing my nutrition, but it’s also been about exercise, learning to connect with emotions and just how those emotions connect with the making of life decisions.  My relationships have changed, grown and blossomed.

Food really does 'Fuel' your body

Food really does ‘Fuel’ your body.

Without a doubt I AM a better version of myself than I was prior to 2011.  Realising self love is not selfish.  It is one of the greatest gifts we can practice for ourselves.  I am a better wife, mum, friend and member of our community and this universe.  I see life through a VERY different set of eyes.

Love Love Love

I’ve met some amazing people along the journey, waayy too many to mention.  For this, I will always be grateful.

Ben and Roy

For me, one of the greatest passions in forming Kylies Courage was about being authentic…to myself first.  I now realise the format of Kylies Courage, as a business venture is not my path.  The format of a healthy and happy life, with green smoothies, organic foods, yoga and so on IS for me at a personal level.  Though, not at a business level.

The life changes I have made, will not change.  They continue to grow and so do I.

What I do know is that my path IS enjoying the new version of my life and myself at a personal level.  Cherishing the relationships within my family that have blossomed.  I gotta tell you, I never realised just how much an unhealthy life weaves its way into so many facets of our world.

Collage 2014


And second to that my path IS working alongside my husband, Rob.  He and I have now been married for 22+ years.  A childhood friendship is how our relationship began.  I grow to love him more and more everyday.

I have watched Rob’s business acumen grow and flourish.  Our consultancy business is the brains of Rob who has been in this industry for more than 20 years now.  His passion to educate continues to drive him.  My role in this business has been growing and I’ve got to say I’m really enjoying that journey, which has been a dream of Rob’s. As a husband and wife team, growing that business is extremely rewarding.  If you would like to join us in that space, you can follow the links below…

RMC Group Website

RMC Group on Facebook

I’m grateful for my growth in reaching this decision.  I’ve learned so much along the way.  The emotional processing, the internal questions, the discussions, learning to put my ‘ego’ aside and stay connected with authenticity and following my true path.

Does this mean you will find me eating Big Macs again?  No, it just means I will enjoy my health journey at a personal level.  You may still see me sharing a healthy recipe or running a PB on my personal social media.

One thing is for sure – I’ll always have my courage alongside me.  It’s been a very good friend to me along this path of life and I am certain we will remain great buddies.

Wishing you the best of Health & Happiness, always.

Stress Less Laugh More Love Lots


Drinks & Nibblies

Oh my goodness, can you actually believe I’m about to say it!!!  With less than 100 days til the 2018 Australian Open starts (apologies if you’re not a tennis fan, lol!!) that means the festive season is really not that far away, pause, gasp 🙂

And for many that means an often busier time of year, with lots of gatherings and social occasions.  This CAN be a challenging time for either over-eating or not eating with what’s healthy for your body.

For me, sure I have a few indulgences at that festive time of year…yes, I’ll definitely be sharing my much enjoyed, clean Christmas Cake recipe again.  But, until then with undoubtedly many invitations to events or hosting your own, you can CHOOSE to keep life on the healthier side.

I’ve actually used this strategy since I began this healthier lifestyle over 6 years ago now.  It works for me…and our family AND means I don’t find myself falling WAY out of rythmn, waking up with foggy heads or having the digestion system too far out of balance.  For me, it just means I continue to feel good and trust me, before I began changing my lifestyle, that wasn’t a healthy or happy place to live!

So, as I do, jumped into the kitchen with notepad and pen and created this Roasted Beetroot Dip recipe…I did this a couple of years ago, but it’s often those ‘favs’ that I find myself coming back to.  Especially when I bought some fresh beetroot at the markets recently!

And having a notepad and pen in the kitchen is how I can share recipes with you guys, otherwise it ends up being a ‘kinda recipe’…I’m sure you get what I mean!

Roasted Beetroot Dip - Pic

Check out the recipe below, it is super easy!  The longest part of it is roasting the beetroot and let’s face it, pretty much you can put that in the oven and walk away for a good hour.  The smell will remind you 🙂


Beetroot Dip

Eat Seasonal!


2017…It’s already here!

Happy New Year!

Gosh, it all happened so quickly!  I hope your festive season has been a wonderfully cheerful, restful and rejuvenating time.

May your 2017 be graced with the dreams of your choosing.  If you are in the process or about to be, making some health & lifestyle changes for yourself, here are a few strategies I used throughout my initial health journey and still do…

  • Start now
  • Be patient, with yourself
  • Communicate your path/goals with loved ones
  • Stay consistent, and
  • Enjoy the journey

Life is a journey, so I thought this was a timely piece of inspiration for us all to take forward throughout 2017 #dowhatyoulove


Warm Wishes to you…

And so, as the holiday and festive season is upon us I’m now taking some time to enjoy with family, share in some good times, travel, lots of tennis, delicious and nourishing foods and some ‘me time’.

I wish you a wonderful season, celebrated in a manner of your choosing and I hope it’s mixed with lots of positive vibes…


Festive Wishes

Blessed Festive Season

From Me…to you

I’ve loved connecting with you via this social media platform. Where we have the opportunity to share, learn and inspire each other.  Thank You.

May you enjoy this festive and holiday season in a manner which connects with you and your loved ones.  May we all continue to flourish in 2016.

Health, Happiness & Freedom to you always xx


Summer + Seafood = Salad

Here in Australia, it’s Summer and for our family that means one of my classic salads…that also goes hand in hand with the festive season and that is my Summer Seafood Salad.  Honestly, it’s delicious all year round!

As always my eating style is about sourcing great quality ingredients.  Guaranteed enjoyment.  Click the link below for the recipe 🙂

Summer Seafood Salad

Summer Seafood Salad


In the kitchen…

Because some things just turn out awesomely the first time…with no recipe!

It’s always good to get honest feedback about my baking and the family gave this one a big thumbs up 🙂

This ‘creation’ was inspired by my desire to use some local, fresh pecans from a colleague.  I love trying out new ingredients and thinking about what ingredients will partner well together.

So, with no recipe to give you, this ended up being a mixture of

  • Dry Roasted Pecans (smashed)
  • Fresh – Blueberries, Strawberries and Raspberries
  • Shredded Coconut (a little extra for the topping)
  • Almond Meal
  • Hazelnut Meal
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sweetener (I used Birch Xylitol)
  • Bi Carb

I don’t have measurements to give you…but I will offer you this – You can create any recipe from exploring and using your intuition.  This is how I have taught myself.

There are only 2 outcomes…it will be a success or it will be a learning experience.  Either way, pop into the kitchen this festive season, use your intuition, bake with love and most of all have fun xx

Coconut Berry Pecan Loaf

Christmas Cake

This is honestly one of my favourite cakes…not only to make but also to eat!

Get into it and Enjoy 🙂

Christmas Cake

Xmas Cake.jpg

Recipe…Christmas Seasoning

Do you enjoy sharing a roast with loved-ones during the Festive Season?

Then here is a great seasoning recipe for you…I make it loaf style.  It’s easy to slice and delicious as leftovers!  Just follow the link below…

Have fun in the kitchen…especially at this time of year!  Bake with Love xx

Xmas Seasoning

Christmas Seasoning Pic