
Yes, you have!!! You’ve got this!!!

  • Believe in yourself, always
  • When those nasty negative thoughts pop in, thank them and change them
  • Tune in to your own body
  • Listen to your intuition
  • It IS easy to eat clean
  • You DO have time for exercise
  • Remind yourself to be patient
  • There is an abundance of financial support
  • Choose to be happy
  • Breathe

I think you get the picture right…Positive vibes all the way

  • Youve got this

My tips for you, this Festive Season

The festive season is not just about ‘making it through’ right?  We all want to ‘thrive’, not just survive!  Here are a few tips of my own that see our family enjoying the festive season with lots of Health & Happiness.

So, December is in full swing which means so too is the festive season!  DO NOT gasp, in fact take a long, slow, deep breath.  This is not a reason to:

  • Stress
  • Become crazy
  • Eat irrationally
  • Stop exercising
  • Drink in excess

This DOES NOT have to be the ‘silly season’…it is your choice!  There is still an abundance of time for:

  • Your regular yoga or exercise regime
  • Daily meditation
  • Preparing clean, seasonal and tasty nourishment
  • Warm hugs with loved ones

You do not need to absorb the energy fed to us via media and other sources.

My tips for the festive season

As you are pausing for that breath of fresh air, just reflect and ask yourself the question ‘How would I like to shape my/our festive/holiday season’.  Right now, you are empowered to make choices to put forward the energy for this season of the year, which you choose.

  • Calm
  • Kindness
  • Peaceful
  • Connected
  • Mindful

If you don’t want to begin 2016 with:

  • Excess kilos
  • That heavy/guilty feeling
  • Regret
  • Lack of Inspiration/Direction

Then DON’T!!  Here are a few of my tips for surviving AND enjoying the festive/holiday season:

  • Rather than going on ‘auto-pilot’ connect with you and make conscious empowered choices that work for you and your loved-ones.
  • You DON’T have to attend every social event for which you receive an invite.
  • Maintain as many of your health and happiness rituals as possible.  For example, when I’m on holidays (at home or away) I still rise around 5am…it keeps me in a good rythmn.
  • Maintain your exercise regime.
  • Sure it’s great to enjoy some xmas cheer/cake/pudding, just ensure you’re making conscious eating choices…rather than the ‘auto-pilot’ response of YES, to everything!
  • This is not a time for excuses about blowing the budget…once again make conscious spending choices.
  • Giving comes from a heart space not the $$ on the price tag.
  • Be a little respectful of others as we all choose to celebrate this time of year in a way that best connects with us.
  • If you are looking to improve/begin better health and happiness practices then start and focus on one thing at a time.  Do this with consistency.  Believe in yourself in every single moment and once you have a good handle on one change, then introduce another.  Remember this is YOUR journey, so lend yourself a little patience along the way 🙂

Feel welcome to share with us any of your strategies for remaining healthy and happy during this season.  And of course, if you have any questions, always feel welcome to ask…it’s one of the best ways we all learn xx



Connect with you xx

Connect with you xx

Happy Monday!

After the enjoyment of this past long weekend, often times the Monday morning arrives and we get heavy on ourselves, that self-sabotage kicks in, even unknowingly!  We start wishing for the ‘one more day, why do I have to work 5 days’ and on the list goes.  I often call it the ‘Woe is me’.

It’s not productive to the positivity of your life…at all!

On the flip side, checking in with yourself and your Gratitude Gauge totally is!  So, I invite you to make a choice, shift from the ‘woe is me’ and tune in with an abundance of gratitude today and always.  It enrichens your life and sure keeps that positive switch running.

Here is a little of my own personal sharing after a weekend blessed with relaxing reading, family time, laughs, sunshine, clean eating and hugs.  I’m truly grateful xx

Let’s spread the gratitude and share this with your mates.  Imagine a world with an abundance of Gratitude!  Enjoy the rain on this refreshingly cool morning:-)