
Balance and Harmony…We all strive for this in our lives, right?  Ladies this one is more for you, though gents supporting your Lady is always welcomed, well I know it is for me 🙂

Remember I shared with you recently my girlie night at the movies…This wasn’t just any movie, it was actually more of a documentary style, called ‘Embrace’.  The story of Taryn Brumfitt and her journey from Body Loather to Body Lover.


So, here’s the truth – I was going to write you a lengthy story of my own thoughts.  Honestly, do yourself a favour and grab yourself your bestie, mum, daughter, lover, boyfriend or go it alone and go experience this story to empower you in your own health journey.  Wherever that is for you, right at this moment in your life.  It will be much more empowering for you than just reading my thoughts, though I did take with me a few things from the experience:

  • Love the body you are in – right now.  Not the body you want or where you were 10 years ago.  Practice self-love, every single day.  Give yourself a warm hug.
  • No judgements…about yourself OR others.  Everybody has a story and often times, you don’t know others and others don’t know yours.  Your story is your own, own it and be proud of it.
  • Health is so much more than what you put in your mouth.  Be open to realising health also means how we think, how we process emotions, how we hold onto ‘stuff’ meaning emotions, how we move our body.
  • Society can play a pivotal role in how we as women view ourselves – magazine covers, articles, modelling agencies.  You do have a choice in subscribing to what you see, read and believe…or NOT!!


Perhaps you have already seem Embrace?  Either way, please feel welcome to share your thoughts here.  There is always something we can learn from others experiences.  Sharing is empowering.

You can learn more about Tarryn, her story and the movie over at https://bodyimagemovement.com/

claire-and-kylieClaire and I had a great night!


Laziness or Self Love?

I listened to a great podcast recently from the Ladies at Love Life Show about the benefits of ‘laziness’ for your health. Check it out, at Laziness

Jane and Rebecca do some cool, empowering and thought-provoking stuff.  For me, this one was ideal timing, which had me asking myself the question – Is it about laziness or is it self-love? If I choose to have a day reading and relaxing am I being lazy?  As you know my hubby and I headed away recently to O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat, following our recent 20th wedding anniversary.



This provided the ideal platform to explore my thoughts from the recent podcast, as my past programming was telling me, Yes you are being lazy!  But first a little background…whenever we get away it is pretty much ALWAYS to the beach. We had never been to O’Reillys or similar. We pretty much checked out what the weather and climate were going to be like, packed accordingly and as we had our own villa we could be self sufficient – so we packed the esky with a little nourishment, set the GPS and off we headed. Our decision was, well, no decision…no agenda. To go with the flow!

As we got further up the mountain, more into the sometimes narrow and windy road, we noticed the change in the air…that fresh mountain air becoming even fresher!! Though blended with sunshine it was lovely. After being greeted by the friendly staff at the main guest house, we settled ourselves into the villa and went a little exploring…by this stage we had worked up an appetite for a warm and late afternoon coffee. The local wildlife thought they would join us…the birds are so, so friendly.

As we checked in we were given activity and information sheets about flying fox, segway tours, guided walks and much more.  We decided O’Reilly’s is one of those spots where you can do as little or as much as you please…it’s entirely up to you.  We opted for the ‘as little’ option. This looked something like…

– Waking when we were ready, no morning alarms!

– Chatting with the birds who joined us on the deck

– Afternoons in the spa

– Morning meditations in the day bed

– Sitting and just ‘being’ in front of the fireplace

– Strolling to wherever!

– The treetops walk, which had come recommended as a ‘must do’

–  Delicious dinner in the guest house 🙂

– Some journalling…and well, I think you get the picture!

For me, this was an indulgence…not only to be spoiled in nature and share it with my best friend and love of my life. I mean an indulgence to take time to ‘be’.  To have no agenda, to listen to my body, it’s feelings and yes, if this meant enjoying some dark chocolate and lentil chips then I did that too!

Throughout my wellness journey I am challenged to strike a balance of ‘doing’ what’s on the to do list, to keep striving for goals and aspirations – though, sometimes not listening to my body and it’s needs OR falling back into old habits and laziness!

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So, where does this leave me about the ‘laziness v self love’ question. Here is what connects for me…

It’s about balance and harmony. If I lazed around like this every weekend then I would see that as me being lazy. However, if life is a balance of the occasional weekend like this, blended with weekends ‘getting stuff done’ then it’s self love.

I’m really grateful for the podcast and the platform it gave me to explore this topic and ask myself some great questions.  It has allowed me to grow and I love articles that stimulate my curiosity and keep me growing.

Perhaps you would like to take a moment, get honest with yourself asking some questions around this topic…Stay open to your own curiosity and growth.  I love hearing your thoughts, so please feel welcome to share 🙂