
Yes, you have!!! You’ve got this!!!

  • Believe in yourself, always
  • When those nasty negative thoughts pop in, thank them and change them
  • Tune in to your own body
  • Listen to your intuition
  • It IS easy to eat clean
  • You DO have time for exercise
  • Remind yourself to be patient
  • There is an abundance of financial support
  • Choose to be happy
  • Breathe

I think you get the picture right…Positive vibes all the way

  • Youve got this


Today’s little mantra for us all.

Do you ever find yourself talking negative, giving yourself a hard time or placing too much energy on what don’t have?

Yes, me too!!!  OMG…Why do we do this?  Well gosh, now there is a long list, but hey let’s NOT go there.

Let’s all…

  • Pause;
  • Take 3 deep breaths;
  • I mean, like REAL deep breaths, stand tall and really focus on your breath;
  • Be present in this moment;
  • And now, reflect upon the progress YOU ARE making.

I bet you can list 3 things instantly.  How good does that feel?


I know right, it’s the best.  Sometimes we all just need this little reminder, to give ourselves permission, to celebrate where we are, to connect in with our heart centre and to be grateful – in the now.

Have yourself an awesome day.  You’ve got this xx

I AM making progress

Everybody has a Story…

Sometimes though, it’s not easy to own our story.  We’d all like to think our story is blossoming with fond childhood memories, family holidays, white picket fences and an abundance of warmth and love.

For some, this may be true…And that’s beautiful.  But what if our story has hurt, shame, pain or other unprocessed emotions attached to it?  What if those emotions are trapped within our body?  Like, seriously who wants to own that story?  Well, the reality is, I hear you say ‘no one’…True, I’m nodding with you, totally agree!  Though, we all do have a journey, we all have a story, whatever that story looks like.

But what if there is a huge learning journey, growth and mountain of personal power to be gained in really owning your own story?  Like healing yourself, from within.

Guess what…It’s actually true.  There is an abundance of empowerment to gain from owning your own personal story.  Now, I didn’t say it’s going to be easy and along the way you’re going to need a few skills to help you…Just to name a few:

  • Bravery
  • Resilience
  • A great support network
  • Courage

Everybody has a story

Own it…it’s yours!

Release what’s holding you back.

Believe in yourself.

Practice self love.

Find peace.



The skills I mentioned above, together with listening to your own intuition are really going to help you with this next part…



Kinesiology has taught me a lot.  Amongst everything has been the ability to tune in to my body.  To listen to it’s messages.  To not be in so much of a hurry to make a decision that I’m not connected, with myself.

There is a relevance, significance and growth in choosing the audience for your story.  That can mean a big conference, workshop, coffee with a girlfriend, work colleague, family member or the like…you get the picture.

Why, you ask?

Because there are always going to be people who ‘get it’ or they ‘don’t get it’ and either way that’s ok.  But it’s the skills you have that will help you through this.  You see, it’s your resilience in smoothly moving through either of those circumstances.  Especially listening in to your own intuition and choosing your audience BEFORE launching into your story.  You see it can either be a very empowering experience or a negative one.

I missed some signs recently…catching up with a colleague from the Health & Wellness world.  I was open, honest and quite raw in my sharings.  I got a very cold response from my friend sitting opposite and I quickly realised this person was not who I had thought and I shut down.  They were not ready for my personal sharing.  I felt judged and a bit like, pushed to the side.  Unfortunately for me that was a negative experience.

However, there was a lesson for me in all of that.  I’m grateful for not reacting in the moment, sitting back and then speaking about it in a respectful and trusting space, where I could reflect.  You see, I missed the signs…I didn’t listen to my INTUITION!!  You see, earlier that day I had a heavy energy, had already said to my husband that I really didn’t want to go, but still I went.  The message was already there for me…I just didn’t listen!

Unfortunately for me, that happened twice, before on the third occasion I had wised up.  I KNEW, I listened to my own body, it’s messages and intuition.  I definitely didn’t feel in a safe, open and non-judgemental space with this person and I certainly didn’t feel that they would have a respect or ‘get’ my story.   So I politely declined their question when asked more personal details about my story.

Listen to your body

You see just because someone is your friend doesn’t mean they will get your story.  Just because they are a practitioner, have a certificate on their wall – doesn’t mean they will get your story.

Perhaps they are not trained in the right area to support you.  Perhaps when you share your story with them, they too have inner work that is not healed…and, by you sharing it actually brings up emotions from their own journey, that remain unresolved for them.  It may not even be conscious for them.

I’m not saying this is a reason to never share your story, but there are valuable lessons for us all in KNOWING.

I believe that as women, we can get better at spreading kindness, at holding a space when it’s needed.  Doing our own inner work and healing.  Which in turn means we grow to be the very best version of ourselves possible…even, beyond our wildest dreams.

This sharing is for me and for you 🙂

For me, I’m so grateful for my health journey and this platform to share with others.  For you, I hope that my sharing reaches you in the empowering and honest manner in which it is intended.






Are you listening?

Our bodies are actually pretty cool, wise and intelligent places to live…and learning to listen to its messages is a really empowering ingredient in embracing ALL of our health and wellbeing.

When I first started learning, I began with just 30 seconds of breathing and stillness.  Over time, I have consistently grown this skill and awareness.  Today, it forms an integral element of my daily non-negotiable rituals.  It helps me be a better version of me and continue my own growth.

Listen to your body

Even over the weekend, I tuned in more to my nutritional needs…the body has been going through some deep emotional processing and releasing recently and so I had lost both my appetite and inspiration in the kitchen.  Though, just last week I finally feel I turned a corner without the cloud smothering me.  My energy levels have improved and with it so too came my tastebuds.

Give it a go…you’ll never look back!  If you allow it to become your friend, it will inspire you to greater heights of health and life 🙂

Kitchen Inspiration


Being Authentic…

Happy International Women’s Day 🙂

With lots of social media questions today about ‘What it means for you being a woman’, I’ve taken a moment to reflect what this means for me.

It’s about being true to myself, staying connected and authentic to me, my values, my path and journey.  That means listening to that little inner voice I call intuition.  And yes, sometimes that also means getting a little lost along the way, only to find myself again.  It is all part of the journey of life.

Imagine the energy we all contribute and radiate out to the world when we are authentic!  What does being a women mean for you?  Share with us…


What’s your story?


For me, meditation has provided a platform for my story.  It has enriched my life in so many ways…

  • Releasing
  • Quiet Time
  • Focussed Thinking
  • Relaxation
  • An Inner Peace
  • Celebrating
  • It Nourishes My Health…From the Insides
  • To Express My Emotions
  • A Deeper Sense of Self Love
  • Empowered Decisions
  • Connection with Breathing
  • To Understand
  • To Be Curious

Do you meditate?  Feel welcome to share with us your reasons and benefits of this very peaceful practice.  We can all learn from each other and be at peace with our stories 🙂

Everybody has a story…

Everybody has a story



My tips for you, this Festive Season

The festive season is not just about ‘making it through’ right?  We all want to ‘thrive’, not just survive!  Here are a few tips of my own that see our family enjoying the festive season with lots of Health & Happiness.

So, December is in full swing which means so too is the festive season!  DO NOT gasp, in fact take a long, slow, deep breath.  This is not a reason to:

  • Stress
  • Become crazy
  • Eat irrationally
  • Stop exercising
  • Drink in excess

This DOES NOT have to be the ‘silly season’…it is your choice!  There is still an abundance of time for:

  • Your regular yoga or exercise regime
  • Daily meditation
  • Preparing clean, seasonal and tasty nourishment
  • Warm hugs with loved ones

You do not need to absorb the energy fed to us via media and other sources.

My tips for the festive season

As you are pausing for that breath of fresh air, just reflect and ask yourself the question ‘How would I like to shape my/our festive/holiday season’.  Right now, you are empowered to make choices to put forward the energy for this season of the year, which you choose.

  • Calm
  • Kindness
  • Peaceful
  • Connected
  • Mindful

If you don’t want to begin 2016 with:

  • Excess kilos
  • That heavy/guilty feeling
  • Regret
  • Lack of Inspiration/Direction

Then DON’T!!  Here are a few of my tips for surviving AND enjoying the festive/holiday season:

  • Rather than going on ‘auto-pilot’ connect with you and make conscious empowered choices that work for you and your loved-ones.
  • You DON’T have to attend every social event for which you receive an invite.
  • Maintain as many of your health and happiness rituals as possible.  For example, when I’m on holidays (at home or away) I still rise around 5am…it keeps me in a good rythmn.
  • Maintain your exercise regime.
  • Sure it’s great to enjoy some xmas cheer/cake/pudding, just ensure you’re making conscious eating choices…rather than the ‘auto-pilot’ response of YES, to everything!
  • This is not a time for excuses about blowing the budget…once again make conscious spending choices.
  • Giving comes from a heart space not the $$ on the price tag.
  • Be a little respectful of others as we all choose to celebrate this time of year in a way that best connects with us.
  • If you are looking to improve/begin better health and happiness practices then start and focus on one thing at a time.  Do this with consistency.  Believe in yourself in every single moment and once you have a good handle on one change, then introduce another.  Remember this is YOUR journey, so lend yourself a little patience along the way 🙂

Feel welcome to share with us any of your strategies for remaining healthy and happy during this season.  And of course, if you have any questions, always feel welcome to ask…it’s one of the best ways we all learn xx


The Innocence of a Raindrop…

So, with quite a bit of rain falling here is Brisbane at the moment, I was ‘chillin’ in the car earlier and took a glimpse above and the picture below is what occupied my curious mind for the ensuing moments…raindrops on the sunroof.

They fascinated me! Their different shapes, sizes, peacefulness and also their ability to connect with smaller raindrops as they ran by. Mmmm, is there a message here for us in our own lives? No judgements, self love, inner peace and connection with ourselves and others?

I loved connecting with nature in this way. So as hubby, Rob re-joined me in the car, we shared a moment admiring ‘The innocence of a raindrop’.

How are you spending the weekend?



I recently read an article about Intuition. A great article and a great publication. You can learn more about the Happiness & Wellbeing Magazine or subscribe at

The story really connected with me…Do you listen to your Intuition? That little voice inside you, always guiding you to where you need to be right now, in every moment. It keeps you calm, connected, grounded and balanced.

If you had of asked me 3 or so years ago about my Intuition, I possibly would have looked at you unusually and asked ‘What is that?’. I was too busy (apparently!) and wayy too disconnected with myself and often this happens in the busy-ness of life…in fact we allow it to happen. Though if we pause, embrace our patience, make a choice and practice ‘tuning in’ on a regular basis there is much to be learned, firstly from within.

By ‘tuning in’ I mean engaging in activities or conversations with yourself…this will look different for us all and some may choose a variety of methods which may include deep breathing, meditation, tai chi and many others.

I encourage you to not engage in the battle or the fight – with yourself. Begin to tune in, embrace it, that trusting space for you…to learn and grow.

Do you 'Tune In' to yourself?

Do you ‘Tune In’ to yourself?