
Today’s little mantra for us all.

Do you ever find yourself talking negative, giving yourself a hard time or placing too much energy on what don’t have?

Yes, me too!!!  OMG…Why do we do this?  Well gosh, now there is a long list, but hey let’s NOT go there.

Let’s all…

  • Pause;
  • Take 3 deep breaths;
  • I mean, like REAL deep breaths, stand tall and really focus on your breath;
  • Be present in this moment;
  • And now, reflect upon the progress YOU ARE making.

I bet you can list 3 things instantly.  How good does that feel?


I know right, it’s the best.  Sometimes we all just need this little reminder, to give ourselves permission, to celebrate where we are, to connect in with our heart centre and to be grateful – in the now.

Have yourself an awesome day.  You’ve got this xx

I AM making progress

Being Courageous

COURAGE…Stepping outside the comfort zone, releasing fear and being brave.

My sharing today is about hubby, Rob.  It’s as much a celebration of Rob and a wish that Rob’s recent journey may too empower you.  As you may know Rob and I run a communications business together.  Rob is one of those quiet achievers.  He just goes about running his business and doing what he loves.

And then, Rob was asked to chair a committee for his networking group for their inaugural awards night.  Such a role is well outside of Rob’s comfort zone.  Though, with a few reassuring words of encouragement, Rob embraced the challenge to grow – both personal and professional.

And so, he set about a plan – liaising with politicians, co-ordinating sponsorships, congratulating award nominees, trophies, flowers and more.


Last night was the night…for it all to come together AND for Rob’s speech.  Public speaking is not really Rob’s thing either!   But Wow, What a night…he sure did nail it!

I hope this empowers you in your life.  Often times others believe in our abilities more than we ourselves do.  So, when an opportunity presents…grab your courage, be brave, believe in yourself and embrace the opportunity for growth and change.  Be kind and patient to yourself along the way and be sure to celebrate your successes.