Those Long Weekend Vibes

This past long weekend was like a gift…with so many good, nourishing vibes!

Even though the week is now fully in swing, is there anyone else still soaking up those healthy Long Weekend vibes? Almost like I had so much great rejuvenation that the body and mind has enough energy to fuel me through the week.

And that feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!

Long Weekend Vibes

For us it’s all about lifestyle choices.  We often use this particular long weekend as a little time to rejuvenate…after all it’s the last long weekend of the year!!  Oh my, that means, dare I say it…Christmas is not really that far away!!

So, for us the weekend looked like – local market visit stocking up the kitchen, sitting  in the park, soaking up the sunshine, chatting with my Babe (hubby, Rob) and enjoying a good coffee.

Acai BowlsCoffee


We spent a great amount of time outdoors, sitting on the green grass, soaking up nature and also running around the tennis court, sharing some laughs and equally spent just as much time relaxing…reading, I’m enjoying Lorna Jane’s new ‘Love You’ book and also caught some tennis on the tv from overseas.  Did some journaling and played around in the kitchen making a new salad.  Gosh, what a difference an extra day in your weekend makes…Feeling grateful  xx

LJ Love You Book.JPG

Just for fun…

We often begin our day with a sunrise walk and a coffee. We like the rhythm…sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes we chat, other times we throw in a few sets of stairs and it’s even more of a workout.

Today, we walked a different path…came across a set of swings, a slippery slide and some outdoor workout equipment.

I hopped on the swings, felt the wind in my hair, I slid down the slippery slide…Honestly I can’t tell you just how many years it’s been!!! And did a few step ups and leg presses too. There were no phones, no cameras, no technology. Just lots of laughter and quality time with the family being in those moments.

It was a reminder to me to ‘allow’ my fun side out to play. To release the fear of judgement, mostly from within.  Who says the swings are only for kids?

Do you ‘allow’ your fun side out to play? As adults we can get a bit serious…add a little fun to your day xx. Try something new…


Coffee and Chicken…Yes Please!!

I’ll admit, this combination sounded a little strange though it definitely
had me curious. So, with a little playing around and taste-testing it
turned out just delicious and super easy. All the family loved it and
went back for seconds. It also provided great leftovers for lunches the
following day.

This would also be a great hit for entertaining in the summer. I’m sure you’ve
got the picture…out on the back deck, sun is shining, sipping a fresh,
homemade lime iced tea after taking a dip in the pool…YES, PLEASE!

Coffee and Chicken Skewers Picture

Anyway, the recipe is in the link below for you…Have fun with it and
remember my recipes are always a guide. Customise it to your tastebuds.

Coffee and Chicken Skewers