Drinks & Nibblies

Oh my goodness, can you actually believe I’m about to say it!!!  With less than 100 days til the 2018 Australian Open starts (apologies if you’re not a tennis fan, lol!!) that means the festive season is really not that far away, pause, gasp 🙂

And for many that means an often busier time of year, with lots of gatherings and social occasions.  This CAN be a challenging time for either over-eating or not eating with what’s healthy for your body.

For me, sure I have a few indulgences at that festive time of year…yes, I’ll definitely be sharing my much enjoyed, clean Christmas Cake recipe again.  But, until then with undoubtedly many invitations to events or hosting your own, you can CHOOSE to keep life on the healthier side.

I’ve actually used this strategy since I began this healthier lifestyle over 6 years ago now.  It works for me…and our family AND means I don’t find myself falling WAY out of rythmn, waking up with foggy heads or having the digestion system too far out of balance.  For me, it just means I continue to feel good and trust me, before I began changing my lifestyle, that wasn’t a healthy or happy place to live!

So, as I do, jumped into the kitchen with notepad and pen and created this Roasted Beetroot Dip recipe…I did this a couple of years ago, but it’s often those ‘favs’ that I find myself coming back to.  Especially when I bought some fresh beetroot at the markets recently!

And having a notepad and pen in the kitchen is how I can share recipes with you guys, otherwise it ends up being a ‘kinda recipe’…I’m sure you get what I mean!

Roasted Beetroot Dip - Pic

Check out the recipe below, it is super easy!  The longest part of it is roasting the beetroot and let’s face it, pretty much you can put that in the oven and walk away for a good hour.  The smell will remind you 🙂


Beetroot Dip

Eat Seasonal!