Another Passionfruit Recipe!

Passionfruit, Pistachio & Cranberry…Muffins

Just to keep you inspired in the kitchen, the family well nourished…or even better the kiddies can get in the kitchen and create their own nourishment. Have fun 🙂

Passionfruit Pistachio & Cranberry Muffins

Passionfruit Pistachio & Cranberry Muffins - Pic




Need I say anymore!!

Well, I finished making the first batch of homemade bone broth yesterday…it simmered away all day on the stove top.  Right now, I have packaged it into serving-size portions and popped about 4 portions of it in the freezer.

So, what better use for homemade broth than homemade soup.  Here is one of my favourite winter soups.

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup Pic

Carrot, Coconut & Coriander Soup.  Once again, keeping it easy to make – less is more! Great to make in larger batches and freeze.  Have on hand for those occasions when your time may be a little shortened.

If you’re following the recipe, just replace the quantity of water with the bone broth/stock.  Click on the link below and create your magic, enjoy 🙂

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup


Without a doubt this is my ‘go to’ recipe for using really ripe bananas.

Earlier this week I had several bananas that needed to be used, so I popped into my ‘happy space’ ala the kitchen and whipped up some banana bread.  I’m sure I’ve shared it with you before, but just in case you’re looking for it again, here is my banana bread recipe…

One of the things I love about it is the ability to use what you have in the kitchen.  This week I didn’t add any additional sweetener (I thought the bananas were sweet enough) and I also added some figs and cacao nibs.  With no tapioca flour in the fridge I just used the freshly ground almonds.

Have fun playing and adjusting it to your own tastebuds.  It’s a good one for lunchboxes, on the go snacks and freezer friendly.  I find it easy to slice and freeze in portions ready for serving.
