Just for fun…

We often begin our day with a sunrise walk and a coffee. We like the rhythm…sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes we chat, other times we throw in a few sets of stairs and it’s even more of a workout.

Today, we walked a different path…came across a set of swings, a slippery slide and some outdoor workout equipment.

I hopped on the swings, felt the wind in my hair, I slid down the slippery slide…Honestly I can’t tell you just how many years it’s been!!! And did a few step ups and leg presses too. There were no phones, no cameras, no technology. Just lots of laughter and quality time with the family being in those moments.

It was a reminder to me to ‘allow’ my fun side out to play. To release the fear of judgement, mostly from within.  Who says the swings are only for kids?

Do you ‘allow’ your fun side out to play? As adults we can get a bit serious…add a little fun to your day xx. Try something new…


In the kitchen…

Because some things just turn out awesomely the first time…with no recipe!

It’s always good to get honest feedback about my baking and the family gave this one a big thumbs up 🙂

This ‘creation’ was inspired by my desire to use some local, fresh pecans from a colleague.  I love trying out new ingredients and thinking about what ingredients will partner well together.

So, with no recipe to give you, this ended up being a mixture of

  • Dry Roasted Pecans (smashed)
  • Fresh – Blueberries, Strawberries and Raspberries
  • Shredded Coconut (a little extra for the topping)
  • Almond Meal
  • Hazelnut Meal
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sweetener (I used Birch Xylitol)
  • Bi Carb

I don’t have measurements to give you…but I will offer you this – You can create any recipe from exploring and using your intuition.  This is how I have taught myself.

There are only 2 outcomes…it will be a success or it will be a learning experience.  Either way, pop into the kitchen this festive season, use your intuition, bake with love and most of all have fun xx

Coconut Berry Pecan Loaf

Christmas Cake

This is honestly one of my favourite cakes…not only to make but also to eat!

Get into it and Enjoy 🙂

Christmas Cake

Xmas Cake.jpg

Recipe…Christmas Seasoning

Do you enjoy sharing a roast with loved-ones during the Festive Season?

Then here is a great seasoning recipe for you…I make it loaf style.  It’s easy to slice and delicious as leftovers!  Just follow the link below…

Have fun in the kitchen…especially at this time of year!  Bake with Love xx

Xmas Seasoning

Christmas Seasoning Pic




If you have ever thought of volunteering, I absolutely encourage you
to dive in and give it a go.

Follow the link below to hear of what my experience has been.


BI - Kylie at Transport Office

Random Acts of Kindness

A couple of weeks ago I was the fortunate recipient of a Random Act of Kindness. Louise and the team at Enhance HQ extended an invitation to me to join their Ladies Group Training Sessions, which have a focus on High Intensity Training over a 30 minute period.

At first I thought, gosh I’ve never done that style of training and then I thought…yeh I love a new challenge and I thought it was a wonderful way to challenge myself and meet new buddies. So, the team at Enhance HQ have warmly welcomed me, as have the other ladies I’ve trained with and we’ve enjoyed a few laughs along the way and of course a good sweat up! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my training including new things like the Prowler.

The team at Enhance have created a great environment for training. One which is welcoming, fun, relaxed and then when it’s time to ‘pump it out’ it’s all about encouraging each other. To learn more about Enhance HQ and to browse my deadlift technique, pop over to https://www.facebook.com/EnhanceHQ

I’ve learned a few things:

• Be open to new challenges
• Believe in you…I always practice this one! Sometimes when posed with an unfamiliar situation it’s easy to shy away or second guess yourself!
• We all have the power to add Random Acts of Kindness to our lives and you just never know how it will change someone’s life or day.


Warmest of Thanks to Louise, Agnes, Chris and all the Team at Enhance HQ for having me. I’ve really enjoyed myself.

International Women’s Day Fun Run 2015

IWD - Quest Newspaper Article - Resize

At this time of year, there is always one definite in my calendar and that’s the RACQ International Women’s Day Fun Run. This has become an annual event for our family.

It’s also the opportunity to pause and reflect on where I have come from and this picture guides me to that place of Gratitude. To the first day I addressed the crowds of pink and ran in my first 5km run.

I started to run in 200metre blocks and my personal trainer worked with me to grow that. Despite me telling
him ‘I don’t run’!!

After topping the scales at 132.7kg and now to where I am today – some 66kgs healthier and actually living life again, my greatest wish is that my journey could bring inspiration to others to realise we all truly can live a life blessed with
Health & Happiness.

So, albeit running or walking on March 8…pop over to http://www.womensdayfunrun.com.au get your registration in and enjoy a fun morning of this wonderful celebration. Plenty of time for your hot pink active wear from Lorna Jane.

Believe in you and I’ll see you there 🙂


Rod Laver     Kylie and Todd Woodbridge

As Katy Perry says ‘I’m Wide Awake’ and that describes my feelings following these past few weeks – spent volunteering at the Brisbane International, tennis tournament.


I have met so many new faces. From the team of volunteers, to Spanish officials, Tournament Directors, wheelchair players, Rod Laver and even the man that gives so much to tennis…Roger Federer. It was a truly special moment to congratulate him both on his win in Brisbane and his 1000th career win. Wow, what an achievement and a gentleman. 


A great inspiration in my life is Lorna Jane. Lorna speaks about giving MORE of yourself everyday and I have absolutely embraced that philosophy.


Not only am I fortunate to do something I love, the volunteering has enriched my soul, left my heart overflowing and taught me so much MORE about myself.  Learning to believe in me and my abilities.


I couldn’t do this without the support and encouragement from my family, especially my love, hubby and best mate…Rob. He is a constant source of wisdom and strength in my life.


I hope this inspires you to do what you love, follow your passion, chase your dreams and believe in you.


So much gratitude xx

Kylie at Transport Office     Rob and Kylie - By the Pool


Bright and early last Sunday morning, a group of ladies (myself included) gathered in the peaceful and tranquil setting of Teneriffe Hill for the annual Intensity Personal Training photo shoot.  The theme was Primal Princesses.  I didn’t even know this spot existed, quite like uncovering a gift of nature.

When I arrived hairdressing with Laura Hudson of Laura Hudson Hair Design and makeup services by Erica Walker of Kaleidoscope Creations were already in full swing.  Photographer, Trav Cooper – also known as Thefitographer was also in action, ensuring those ‘candid’ shots were captured.  Not glamorous at all, but all part of the story of the day and Trav has such a fun personality, it’s easy to relax.

Being told to arrive in casual clothes with hair and makeup not done, left me feeling almost naked!  But before I knew it I was deeply engrossed in chats with the ladies and didn’t even give my ‘nakedness’ a second thought. Inspired chats with Jane Harris, who has had an amazing health journey and found her love to run/compete…no surprise I love hearing of Jane’s latest adventures.  Heather had a few nerves, so I was encouraging Heather to ‘Believe’ in herself…she totally nailed it and looked stunning.  Chats with Nat about triathlons, the challenges of Marina’s search for shoes and soaking up the sunshine while Steffi painted her nails.

All amongst the rotation of moving us from chatting, hair, makeup and enjoying the hydration and snacks Belinda had for us all.

This concept began some 3 years ago with founder of Intensity Personal Training, Belinda Wasowski.  Belinda is also the founder of The Invincible Woman.  Like to know a little more about Belinda www.intensitypt.com.au . In 2012, Belinda established the annual photo shoot to help her clients celebrate their hard work and achievements. But the shoots aren’t just about celebrating ‘achievement’, they provide an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, as well as a day of pampering and reflection of your journey. Belinda focuses on self-improvement and acceptance and believes every woman should live in a way that says ‘I love my body and want to nourish it, challenge it and improve it’. And that’s another reason she created the photo shoot series.

Picture a buzz amongst the sunshine and warmth of the day including our laughter, the music, ‘oh gosh’ moments browsing Trav’s snaps and playing ‘tag team’ for our turn of the photo shoot. It was all part of honouring ourselves and soaking up the day.

In front of the lens, Trav has a lovely way of relaxing us amid his fun sense of humour. Before the end of the photo shoot, we all gathered for a little trek through the bushes to the base of a sky-high hugging tree.  I really love this picture of us all and we had loads and fun and laughter in pulling it together.  It’s not easy climbing trees in dresses!!

The talented Shan Cooper of My Food Religion ensured a nourishing spread for us all to delight in as we relaxed and reflected upon the day. Oh my goodness, I can’t stop talking about the ‘Crap-Free Coleslaw’ it was amazing and YES, I went back for seconds!! Oh and there was dessert, of course…the ladies raved about Shan’s donuts and fudge.  Like to know more about Shan, pop over to www.myfoodreligion.com and you’ll even find the recipe for the coleslaw.

So, Sunday 14th September…I learned lots, enjoyed a really beautiful ‘Happy & Healthy’ day and above all realised, Dreams really do come true.  Always Believe in You.

Thanks so much to everyone involved in this truly special day.

A snippet of memories from the day...

A snippet of memories from the day…


The month of March soon shaped into even more ‘movement’ than normal in our home.  Whilst on a regular basis discussion surrounds activities such as personal training, gymnastics, yoga, tennis and running.

The month began with my first triathlon, which I had trained consistently for since last November. The following week, we embraced the spirit of the International Women’s Day Fun Run together with our team of teenage girls whom I have worked consistently in training, also since last November. With some of these girls having not run before, their development and mindset is inspiring.

Last weekend we packed, mostly our Lorna Jane gear and headed to the coast for the Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival. A wonderful festival bursting with a variety of events and overflowing with healthy and friendly sportspeople.

If you’re finding your dialogue saying things such as ‘I’m trying, I wish’ or having a dream then you have the power to change your dialogue.  I encourage you to pop along to some such healthy events. A great way to start is to be a supporter and immerse yourself. Lose those sticky feet of yours and release yourself. It will open your eyes, bring you inspiration and you may even make some new friends.  The first time we went to Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival this is exactly what we did…we immersed ourselves in the fun of the festival.

Improving your health is about making lifestyle changes…for life, so to ensure your continued success it’s important to integrate them with loved ones and enjoy them. Consistency, belief and your inner happiness will provide a strong foundation for your sustained lifestyle changes.

Have the courage to try different activities, it’s all an experience and provides for personal growth. Festivals such as Mooloolaba Triathlon are shining with:

Relaxed laughter
Fit and Healthy Buddies
All ages, all shapes, all fitness levels
Amateur, Elite and Team events
Music, shopping, cafes and nutrition

And so we farewelled Mooloolaba Triathlon weekend…already excited for our return in 2015!

Loving to 'Move' our bodies!!

Loving to ‘Move’ our bodies!!