
G R A T I T U D E…For me, it’s a daily practice of writing in my journal – of what I’m feeling grateful for right now, in this very moment.  The more I practice, the more connected I feel.  A balance of expressing thanks for what is, coupled together with achieving new goals and growth.

When do I feel disconnected?  When I fall out of rythmn with my daily practice, lose that connection with my heart space, which usually means I have over-committed myself and I’m buzzing around being a bit too busy for what works for my life.  Everyone has a different rythmn, it’s about finding what works for you.


What are you grateful for today?  Let’s share in this space and spread the positive energy, I’ll begin…Today, I am grateful for:

  • Sitting in the morning sunshine, enjoying a coffee and soaking up the vitamin d;
  • The beautiful circle of friends we have in our life;
  • Reading my new book…by Richard Branson, ‘Screw It, Let’s Do It’
  • Working from home and the peace and flexibility that brings me and my lifestyle

Over to you for sharing 🙂

Reflecting…Did you take the time?

Prior to focussing on the new year ahead, I like to hit the pause button and enjoy a few moments of reflection for the year that was, 2015.

For me, this provides…

  • Gratitude, and
  • Perspective

A wonderful opportunity to see where I am doing well and other areas that may need more of my focus.  To summarise 2015, for me it consisted of much growth and learning, both at a professional and personal level.  In some cases, that meant I didn’t achieve goals I had set.  Did this initially frustrate me?  Absolutely!

However, if there is one thing I have learned throughout my health journey, it’s patience.  Rather than my previous self-sabotaging thoughts, I was able to reflect, ask myself some honest questions and re-focus.  This meant ‘change’ which is a whole other story for another time!  Needless to say though, it pushes my buttons.  Sometimes the mind has the goal set, however the body and our universe have other ideas.

Reflection provided me the perspective to realise there were reasons for not achieving certain goals and I’m grateful for that opportunity to pause and then move forward with renewed perspective, goals and motivation.

Did you allow yourself the time to reflect, hit the pause button and then move forward ready for living your best life in 2016?  It’s never too late…

Best Friend or Worst Enemy


The forming of an Oyster…

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Here he is, Rob…The love of my life. Though, it hasn’t always been that way!!

From the very early days of getting to know Rob when we were both around age 7 til eventually one rainy New Years Eve a poolside kiss is where it all began. As they say, the rest is history and we have now been married for over 18 years.

Yesterday, Rob celebrated a milestone…His 40th birthday!

Since embracing his health journey being by Rob’s side has been like watching the forming of an oyster. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing and just like an oyster there have been those heavy and doubtful days feeling like that oyster on the floor of the sea.

Ultimately, Robs ‘Never Give Up’ attitude shines through revealing, similar to the oyster a shiny, smooth, gentle and nourishing soul that is now flourishing in life.

Growing oysters is a process…over years, as has Robs journey been. In addition to shedding his 33kilos, Rob has also released past events, behaviours and emotions that no longer serve him, positively in his life today. It is often the processing of such events that is the more challenging than shedding the weight!

So, on our very early morning walk to watch the sunrise yesterday, Rob said he saw turning 40 as just another number…though he is very much looking forward to continuing to flourish.

I had no idea when I married Rob that my love for him could grow deeper, but our love and connection grows deeper and richer everyday. I truly am blessed.

A Courageous Life

Three Wise Women

This 3 part series created by founder of The Invincible Woman, Belinda Wasowski has been inspiring to date.

With Part 2 and 3 to come, I am excited to be the next guest speaker.  If you value your Health in a holistic manner book your ticket promptly for a nourishing evening.

Ladies Only Event

Ladies Only Event


In 2013, I was fortunate to address the crowds of thousands as we assembled for this celebration – International Women’s Day Fun Run.

As the 2014 Fun Run is approaching, I encourage you to become involved. This event has a most wonderful festive atmosphere filled with colour and friendliness and is a less competitive environment to other such events.  It caters for a variety of fitness levels and whether you run the full 5km or 500 metres…your own personal achievement and well being is always the most important.

Find out more at

Change starts with forward steps, consistently and with patience…this combination, together with other skills brings personal growth.  Enjoy the attached story, I too hope it brings you inspiration for your own health.

IWD 2013


We speak regularly of ‘clean eating’…Do you have goals, dreams or needs to improve your health?

Have you ever invested in your own personal cleanse weekend?  This is YOUR time!

This isn’t a weekend about overhauling your life and departing on a Sunday afternoon with a ‘New You’. This is about taking personal ‘time out’ to give perspective and clarity to YOUR needs for 2014 and beyond.  We all know it takes consistency to maintain health…not defined by a New Years Resolution, only ever destined to crash!! This is about empowering and educating you with tools to continue or commence your health journey…SUSTAINABLE FOR LIFE:-)

Personal Cleanse Weekend