The Journey Continues…

My health journey has been an amazing journey.  In fact, it still is.  It’s just continuing with a slightly different look to how I first thought it would.  And I’m grateful for the journey to reach this decision.

Perhaps you have joined me in this social media space, I may have met you speaking at a wellness event or perhaps we’ve done cooking classes together.  However our connection, it’s been an amazing journey, Thank You.

Now, it’s time for change.


When I began my health journey back in 2011 I thought it would be about a few changes replacing Big Macs and sausage rolls for some spinach and green smoothies.  It’s been so much more than that.  Yes, it was about changing my nutrition, but it’s also been about exercise, learning to connect with emotions and just how those emotions connect with the making of life decisions.  My relationships have changed, grown and blossomed.

Food really does 'Fuel' your body

Food really does ‘Fuel’ your body.

Without a doubt I AM a better version of myself than I was prior to 2011.  Realising self love is not selfish.  It is one of the greatest gifts we can practice for ourselves.  I am a better wife, mum, friend and member of our community and this universe.  I see life through a VERY different set of eyes.

Love Love Love

I’ve met some amazing people along the journey, waayy too many to mention.  For this, I will always be grateful.

Ben and Roy

For me, one of the greatest passions in forming Kylies Courage was about being authentic…to myself first.  I now realise the format of Kylies Courage, as a business venture is not my path.  The format of a healthy and happy life, with green smoothies, organic foods, yoga and so on IS for me at a personal level.  Though, not at a business level.

The life changes I have made, will not change.  They continue to grow and so do I.

What I do know is that my path IS enjoying the new version of my life and myself at a personal level.  Cherishing the relationships within my family that have blossomed.  I gotta tell you, I never realised just how much an unhealthy life weaves its way into so many facets of our world.

Collage 2014


And second to that my path IS working alongside my husband, Rob.  He and I have now been married for 22+ years.  A childhood friendship is how our relationship began.  I grow to love him more and more everyday.

I have watched Rob’s business acumen grow and flourish.  Our consultancy business is the brains of Rob who has been in this industry for more than 20 years now.  His passion to educate continues to drive him.  My role in this business has been growing and I’ve got to say I’m really enjoying that journey, which has been a dream of Rob’s. As a husband and wife team, growing that business is extremely rewarding.  If you would like to join us in that space, you can follow the links below…

RMC Group Website

RMC Group on Facebook

I’m grateful for my growth in reaching this decision.  I’ve learned so much along the way.  The emotional processing, the internal questions, the discussions, learning to put my ‘ego’ aside and stay connected with authenticity and following my true path.

Does this mean you will find me eating Big Macs again?  No, it just means I will enjoy my health journey at a personal level.  You may still see me sharing a healthy recipe or running a PB on my personal social media.

One thing is for sure – I’ll always have my courage alongside me.  It’s been a very good friend to me along this path of life and I am certain we will remain great buddies.

Wishing you the best of Health & Happiness, always.

Stress Less Laugh More Love Lots


Foodie Friday…It’s Winter Now

Porridge kinda weather here in Brisbane right now.

That time of year when winter has arrived and the body is often seeking a different form of nourishment.

Here is my almond meal porridge…it’s truly delicious and with a little prep, it’s ready in no time at all.  I love it with berries on top.  When they’re not in season I keep some of the organic ones in the freezer.  Or, when in season I steam some fresh rhubarb which is equally delicious.  You choose, Enjoy 🙂

Almond Meal Porridge

Almond Meal Porridge - Pic


Yes, you have!!! You’ve got this!!!

  • Believe in yourself, always
  • When those nasty negative thoughts pop in, thank them and change them
  • Tune in to your own body
  • Listen to your intuition
  • It IS easy to eat clean
  • You DO have time for exercise
  • Remind yourself to be patient
  • There is an abundance of financial support
  • Choose to be happy
  • Breathe

I think you get the picture right…Positive vibes all the way

  • Youve got this

Throwback Thursday…

I’m reflecting back on the time clock today, to March 2012 and that time when I participated in my very first fun run.

So much has happened!

  • I began my health journey, making consistent and significant lifestyle changes
  • I found my love to run, after telling my PT ‘I don’t run’, lol!!
  • Throughout my health journey my family have been an amazing support for me
  • I set goals, I trained, I kept training, I stayed focussed
  • Sure, I’ve had self doubt, tears and sore muscles
  • And there have been times when I’ve had amazing self belief, that which I could conquer any challenge



Kylie - March 2013 - 68kg

Especially of recent, I’ve had to remind myself that at times we all face challenges, take a side step from our path.  That was definitely me in 2016/17!!  Checkout that full story in the link below…

But, Why???

Despite those super challenging times, there has been amazing growth.  It’s only now that I can reflect upon that with a sense of gratitude and understanding.

I’m ready to move forward again, as opposed to what I felt was side-ways moves, even in some cases no progress at all!!!  And to continue releasing that heavy excess baggage.

I’m back working with my Chiropractor & Kinesiologist.  My energy levels have improved just these past 10 weeks, approx.  I can even feel a different mindset, a more positive approach to life.  And I’m back into training…

  • Regular exercise
  • Sleeping better
  • Eating better, listening more to my body

And I’ve just signed up to do the Bridge to Brisbane in August 🙂

I really hope my sharing inspires you, no matter where you are in life to be ok with yourself, that sometimes we do lose sight, we step sideways or may not feel we are moving forward in the manner in which we wish.

Most importantly….NEVER GIVE UP!  Keep going, take time to rejuvenate, engage professional assistance where you need it.  And be super patient.  Surround yourself with a great support network.

You’ve got this!

Stress Less Laugh More Love Lots


The power of being worthy…

Oh my!!  Why do us women often struggle with self care and valuing ourselves enough to take time out for us?  I mean, it’s one of the greatest gifts we have and yet often we use every excuse to not allow ourselves to experience such joy.

Anyone else got their hand up – yes, that’s me too!  I’ve got to talk myself through it.  Which brings me to sharing my recent ‘magical Friday’ with you.

But first I had to do the washing!  I know right, it’s hilarious, but my hubby actually said to me ‘Do you really need to wash before you go to the coast?’  Bless him xx. This bought a consciousness to me though, for which I’m grateful.

It was Mothers Day recently and daughter Georgia gifted me a voucher – I had been dropping a few hints that I would really love a massage.  I found a great place at Mooloolaba when we were up there earlier this year and for me, when I find a great spot I’m happy to stick with it.

Not only was my voucher for a massage, but it also included a Salt Therapy Treatment – which I have never had previously but heard great things about.

Mothers Day 2018 Gift Voucher

So, I had planned this day in advance for a couple of weeks…no work, no emails!  This day was all about me time, even including Rob organising dinner that night.  My morning started splendid with coffee in the sunshine and some warm oats for breakfast before my drive to Mooloolaba.  It was a stunning day, without a cloud in the sky.  From the picture below you can appreciate how stunning it was upon my arrival.  I actually had enough time to pause, sit in the sunshine and just appreciate the beauty of nature.

Mothers Day Voucher - Mooloolaba View

I then headed off for my treatments, which is just a hop, step and a jump from the main esplanade – even more opportunity to stroll along and soak up the atmosphere, feeling very grateful.

Greeted at the ‘Salt Caves’ by their friendly staff and the peaceful energy within, it’s difficult not to switch off from the to do list and really just be hugged by this calmness.  Before I knew it, my therapist had greeted me and I was settling into my ‘cave’ ready for my magnesium oil massage..

Mothers Day 2018 Flowers

These salt caves are really quite something.  It’s hard to describe, it really is like stepping into another world and also walking on salts.  If you’re curious, check out Salt Caves Mooloolaba at

So, after a couple of hours of massage and salt therapy treatment, I emerged – Feeling very blissed out.  I took the time to once again, sit and soak up the beachfront, before tucking into some re-hydrating coconut water and a little late snack/lunch.

The afternoon soon started to cool off as I made my way back to the car for the trip home.  My heart feeling so very grateful – on many levels – For the gift Georgia had given me, for the time I had gifted myself and for the reminder from my hubby that the washing didn’t need to be done.

I must say I was reminded to keep up my fluids, which I have done and gosh I slept very peacefully on Friday evening as well as enjoying a gentle Saturday.  I knew, there were a few knots the therapist found, so the body was feeling it a little over the weekend.

I really hope my sharing empowers you to honour yourself, your own wellbeing and take time out for you.  For me, a massage isn’t something I do all the time – it is special.  But you know what ‘time out’ can be as simple as sitting in the park, with a good book, a great podcast or enjoying a green juice.  IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – SO IT’S ABOUT CHOOSING THIS TIME THAT LIGHTS UP AND REJUVENATES YOUR SOUL.

And just like me, remind yourself that self love is not selfish!  It’s actually enriching for our lives on so many levels.




Sunday Vibes…Sunshine, Hormones, Coffee, Tears & more!!

After sleeping late this morning, I woke with a heavy head, an aching body and all round just not feeling myself.

My inner voice was in conflict – 1 voice saying ‘you need to do this, this and this’ which is on your ‘to do list’ today, whilst my kind voice was saying you need to forget about the to do list today and look after yourself.  After this ongoing internal conversation, my husband said to me ‘just forget the list and honour yourself’.

I’m so grateful for the support and totally honesty that is integral to mine and Rob’s marriage.  Rob said to me, let’s share a coffee, sit in the sunshine and talk.  I really am blessed to have him.  Honestly, I think Rob did most of the talking, as he continued to push my buttons!!  In a positive way 🙂 After 22 years of marriage we do know each other pretty well xx

I knew that my feelings when waking this morning are mostly emotional – events of the past few days have ‘pushed my buttons’ and I also knew that my hormones were out of balance.  Especially when I was cutting the avocado for brunch and burst into tears!! Now that’s not normal.

Rather than getting down on myself, with the help of Rob, I was able to see the gratitude in my challenges of today and work through them.  It’s my health journey that continues to provide me with tools on a challenging day like today.  It’s not just one thing – it’s about  diving into my health and wellness kit, that I’ve learned along my journey and seeing what it is I need.

Support from Rob, kindness to myself, using my curiosity and asking myself some honest questions, listening to my body and recognising I did need some vitamins to help me re-balance those hormones.  I know that sunshine is important to my wellbeing, so that coffee in the morning sun really did help me.  Ultimately, it’s about taking responsibility and using my personal power to look to help myself.

One of the best decisions we made, was to put on our walking shoes and get out in the fresh air.  With no expectations, apart from to enjoy, I think we did pretty well to cover our almost 6km track in just over an hour.

City Walk

Milly, our beloved Cavoodle loved it just as much as we did.  Despite there being a few showers of rain here in Brisbane.  We just rolled with it.  It really helped me get out of my own head!

We finished up by enjoying a delicious smoothie and as you can see from the picture below, Milly loved her almond milk, Puppy Chino…Thanks Georgia 🙂

Milly & Chinos at Pineapple Express

How do I feel now?  Well, I’ve been home, showered and I gotta say, I’m feeling better than I was this morning.  My heavy head has lightened and I haven’t burst into tears in the kitchen – now there’s a positive, lol!!!

The purpose of my sharing today is about just being REAL!  It’s to share with you that life isn’t always sunshine & rainbows.  I don’t always wake with an abundance of energy and positive emotions.

I am however, grateful for my health journey and the tools I’ve learned along the way which, on days like today mean I’m empowered to work through what’s happening for me.  And a loving, supportive family is also a blessing.

With the right tools in your health and wellness kit, we can all be empowered to work through these little challenges life gifts us…Always learning 🙂

Happy Sunday Lovelies xx

Foodie Friday…Beetroot

We all know just how much I appreciate to follow the seasonal produce offerings for the benefits like…

  • Variety of eating, which also means variety of nutrients;
  • Means, I never get bored eating the same thing;
  • It’s super cost effective;
  • Gets me thinking creatively in the kitchen, and
  • Of course when food is in season there is an abundance at great quality.

And of course, those who do know me well, also know that I enjoy a ‘sweet treat’ as I call it.  Being a bit sensitive to sweeteners I try to ensure with my sweet treats that they are not just a big hit of sugar (no matter the sweetener you choose to use), I also look to try and add nourishment to the treat.

You know, achieve a bit of balance.  Check out my recipe below, for these delicious chocolate beetroot muffins

Chocolate & Beetroot Muffins

I actually picked myself up some beetroot at the market recently and also created a delicious warm salad, together with some fresh wild rocket, roast sweet potato, toasted flaked almonds and sprinkled with goats cheese.  It was soooo good – we ate it with a piece of grilled salmon.

Beetroot is one of those cold, warm, sweet and savoury foods – don’t you just love versatile products.



Today’s little mantra for us all.

Do you ever find yourself talking negative, giving yourself a hard time or placing too much energy on what don’t have?

Yes, me too!!!  OMG…Why do we do this?  Well gosh, now there is a long list, but hey let’s NOT go there.

Let’s all…

  • Pause;
  • Take 3 deep breaths;
  • I mean, like REAL deep breaths, stand tall and really focus on your breath;
  • Be present in this moment;
  • And now, reflect upon the progress YOU ARE making.

I bet you can list 3 things instantly.  How good does that feel?


I know right, it’s the best.  Sometimes we all just need this little reminder, to give ourselves permission, to celebrate where we are, to connect in with our heart centre and to be grateful – in the now.

Have yourself an awesome day.  You’ve got this xx

I AM making progress

Monday Motivation

A friendly reminder for us all.

Stress Less.  Laugh More.  Love Lots.

I created this little inspiration for myself when I was going through an especially challenging time back in 2017…to this day, it still sits on my inspiration board as a visual reminder for me.

I hope it brings you a little extra inspiration today 🙂

And, just in case you’re going through a few challenges right now, just remember ‘You’ve got this’ – believe in yourself all the way.  Those challenges are just lifes little messages to embrace, learn and grow from.


Stress Less Laugh More Love Lots

Are you feeling it?

It is full moon time…

I woke this morning

  • With an uncomfortable back, felt like my adrenals were screaming;
  • With the sun beaming in on me, meaning I had slept in – it was already 8am!  Which for me IS definitely a sleep in;
  • Looked in the mirror to be greeted with puffy eyes!  Looking like I had woken from a night on the town, yet I had a relaxing evening at home with hubby, listening to music and nourishing on a home-cooked meal.  If you know me well, you know I don’t go out on the town!!
  • Feeling ‘delicate’ is the best way to describe it;

In years gone by, I had NO IDEA about the sensitivities and energy from full moon, new moon and the different cycles.  However, fast forward to being much more in tune with myself, feelings, energy levels and a great holistic appreciation.  I am aware that, at times I do feel sensitive to the moon cycles.  Sometimes I feel it more than others – and it can be in very different ways.

Are you aware of the different moon cycles?  Do you have an awareness of your feelings or energy levels around these different times in the calendar?

I’m grateful for pausing as I woke this morning, taking a moment to lay in bed, use my intuition and listen to my body.  That helped me in making the decision to be kind to myself today.  To be gentle.  Therefore, my day after stepping from bed, has looked like…

  • Sitting in the sunshine;
  • I didn’t initially have an appetite, so I didn’t eat til late – homemade pancakes;
  • Meditation;

I think you get the picture.  Kindness, self care, self love – they are all high priorities for me today.  More about ‘being’ and less about ‘doing’.

This evening, hubby and I are going to find a relaxing spot, quite possibly with our jumpers on, sitting outside and soaking up more of those full moon vibes.

What tools do you use in coping and manifesting with the change of natures energy?  Are you practicing self care today?

Feel welcome to share with us your rituals.  It’s such a great way to learn from our healthy community.

