Sunday Vibes…Sunshine, Hormones, Coffee, Tears & more!!

After sleeping late this morning, I woke with a heavy head, an aching body and all round just not feeling myself.

My inner voice was in conflict – 1 voice saying ‘you need to do this, this and this’ which is on your ‘to do list’ today, whilst my kind voice was saying you need to forget about the to do list today and look after yourself.  After this ongoing internal conversation, my husband said to me ‘just forget the list and honour yourself’.

I’m so grateful for the support and totally honesty that is integral to mine and Rob’s marriage.  Rob said to me, let’s share a coffee, sit in the sunshine and talk.  I really am blessed to have him.  Honestly, I think Rob did most of the talking, as he continued to push my buttons!!  In a positive way 🙂 After 22 years of marriage we do know each other pretty well xx

I knew that my feelings when waking this morning are mostly emotional – events of the past few days have ‘pushed my buttons’ and I also knew that my hormones were out of balance.  Especially when I was cutting the avocado for brunch and burst into tears!! Now that’s not normal.

Rather than getting down on myself, with the help of Rob, I was able to see the gratitude in my challenges of today and work through them.  It’s my health journey that continues to provide me with tools on a challenging day like today.  It’s not just one thing – it’s about  diving into my health and wellness kit, that I’ve learned along my journey and seeing what it is I need.

Support from Rob, kindness to myself, using my curiosity and asking myself some honest questions, listening to my body and recognising I did need some vitamins to help me re-balance those hormones.  I know that sunshine is important to my wellbeing, so that coffee in the morning sun really did help me.  Ultimately, it’s about taking responsibility and using my personal power to look to help myself.

One of the best decisions we made, was to put on our walking shoes and get out in the fresh air.  With no expectations, apart from to enjoy, I think we did pretty well to cover our almost 6km track in just over an hour.

City Walk

Milly, our beloved Cavoodle loved it just as much as we did.  Despite there being a few showers of rain here in Brisbane.  We just rolled with it.  It really helped me get out of my own head!

We finished up by enjoying a delicious smoothie and as you can see from the picture below, Milly loved her almond milk, Puppy Chino…Thanks Georgia 🙂

Milly & Chinos at Pineapple Express

How do I feel now?  Well, I’ve been home, showered and I gotta say, I’m feeling better than I was this morning.  My heavy head has lightened and I haven’t burst into tears in the kitchen – now there’s a positive, lol!!!

The purpose of my sharing today is about just being REAL!  It’s to share with you that life isn’t always sunshine & rainbows.  I don’t always wake with an abundance of energy and positive emotions.

I am however, grateful for my health journey and the tools I’ve learned along the way which, on days like today mean I’m empowered to work through what’s happening for me.  And a loving, supportive family is also a blessing.

With the right tools in your health and wellness kit, we can all be empowered to work through these little challenges life gifts us…Always learning 🙂

Happy Sunday Lovelies xx


Nude Yoga

We laughed, we cried, we sweated, we shared, we connected and we did yoga – NAKED!

Friday evening a group of courageous women, gathered in Brisbane, hosted by Rosie Rees.  You can learn more about Rosie at  There were so many personal reasons for removing the layers and experiencing the vulnerability of a deeper connection within ourselves.

One of Rosie’s opening messages to us was ‘You are enough’.  I had to pause and receive that nourishment for a moment.  Beneath our layers and without the new car, the designer handbag, the corporate job – We are all women with a story of life and with a strong desire to grow more into our own selflove.  For me, this looks like being the best version of myself that I can be…with a consistence striving to grow and learn.  And to release those fears that hold us back…mostly ourselves and our own judgements.

Rosie has a gift and we were all blessed to experience the safe space that Rosie held for us all.  To cry, rejoice, be silent and ultimately unleash the power within – our feminine energy.

Feminine what?  I have been challenged by this, especially in recent months.  What is my feminine energy?  After all I built up all those layers of protection…all 132.7kgs of them to protect me from dealing with this stuff!  I have operated from my masculine self for a lot of years now…however, the universe had other ideas and so I found myself in a warm, candlelight and non-judgemental space, sweating intensely (ok, perhaps I did have a few nerves!) though I was ready to embrace this experience.

I became so incredibly connected with myself, it seemed that I blinked and the evening was coming to an end.  For 3 hours, I had experienced emotions and feelings that were unfamiliar, challenging, releasing, empowering and heart-braking all in a short while.  My heart was grateful, both to myself for being brave, to Rosie for her gift and to the other ladies who shared the space.  For me and the wellness journey I began back in 2011, I realised I need to love my body for exactly how it is today.  This has been confronting!  For all it’s loose skin, stretch marks and its own unique shape…even putting my hands on my stomach and connecting with that feeling raised a well of emotions within.

My wish is that my sharing empowers you to continue to heal from within….to grow, to learn, to be curious, to release, to connect and to be the best version of you.  Thank You for sharing this journey with me and I hope my sharing has been received with the open heart space, empowerment and courage in which it is intended.  It has absolutely enriched my lifes journey, the relationship I have with myself, my husband and our family.



We speak regularly of ‘clean eating’…Do you have goals, dreams or needs to improve your health?

Have you ever invested in your own personal cleanse weekend?  This is YOUR time!

This isn’t a weekend about overhauling your life and departing on a Sunday afternoon with a ‘New You’. This is about taking personal ‘time out’ to give perspective and clarity to YOUR needs for 2014 and beyond.  We all know it takes consistency to maintain health…not defined by a New Years Resolution, only ever destined to crash!! This is about empowering and educating you with tools to continue or commence your health journey…SUSTAINABLE FOR LIFE:-)

Personal Cleanse Weekend