Shorts…More than just clothing!!

To anyone else, these are quite simply a pair of shorts – cool colour, vibrant, comfy to wear, a cool material for those hot summer days at the beach.  And in fact, I loved them so much I bought them in 3 different colours!

For me, these shorts represent so much more – the love v hate relationship I have had with my own body image – unconsciously for quite some time now.  And through working with my Kinesiologist, it has just recently come into my consciousness.


To give you an idea, these shorts sit above my knee…I know, scary thought hey, to wear something sitting above my knee!!  Despite all the weight I have lost (more about that at and the magnitude of lifestyle changes I have embraced these past 5+ years, the image I see of myself in the mirror differs greatly from reality.

So, with great encouragement and support from my family, this past weekend I wore these shorts in public and in fact I even wore them whilst out walking…I’m talking like a 5km+ walk.  It took lots of inner strength and self talk to lift my head as I walked, to not let that negative chatter gain momentum – to get loud inside my head!  To keep away that voice that sometimes starts as someone walks toward me to immediately think ‘they’re looking at the loose skin on your legs, or your thighs are too big’!!  And, guess what?  I survived, I made it through the day and I’m still here to share the story with you 🙂   I was determined to break through this negative thinking pattern that I have let have too much say!!

It felt liberating, freeing as I strolled along the beach, paddling in the water under the sunshine of Byron Bay.

At present, I am practicing lots of mirror work, daily, even just to stand in front of the mirror and find 1 positive thing to say about my body, or a simple ‘I love you, Kylie’.   Although, our teenage daughter didn’t quite see the funny side when she walked in recently to find me telling myself ‘you have a hot butt’, lol!!!  You get the picture right?

My vision for sharing my story is to empower and give strength to anyone struggling with your own body image.  To read, to educate and to surround yourself with whatever the tools are that work for you to get a hold of the negative chatter and embrace your courage and be brave.  To practice self love and to never give up.  As I described to my Kinesiologist recently, such a sizeable transformation of ones life is like getting to know a new person all over, and that new person is YOU xx

Please share this with others and let’s embrace our bodies for who and what they are today, in this moment – For men and women, let’s spread this positive energy.




Balance and Harmony…We all strive for this in our lives, right?  Ladies this one is more for you, though gents supporting your Lady is always welcomed, well I know it is for me 🙂

Remember I shared with you recently my girlie night at the movies…This wasn’t just any movie, it was actually more of a documentary style, called ‘Embrace’.  The story of Taryn Brumfitt and her journey from Body Loather to Body Lover.


So, here’s the truth – I was going to write you a lengthy story of my own thoughts.  Honestly, do yourself a favour and grab yourself your bestie, mum, daughter, lover, boyfriend or go it alone and go experience this story to empower you in your own health journey.  Wherever that is for you, right at this moment in your life.  It will be much more empowering for you than just reading my thoughts, though I did take with me a few things from the experience:

  • Love the body you are in – right now.  Not the body you want or where you were 10 years ago.  Practice self-love, every single day.  Give yourself a warm hug.
  • No judgements…about yourself OR others.  Everybody has a story and often times, you don’t know others and others don’t know yours.  Your story is your own, own it and be proud of it.
  • Health is so much more than what you put in your mouth.  Be open to realising health also means how we think, how we process emotions, how we hold onto ‘stuff’ meaning emotions, how we move our body.
  • Society can play a pivotal role in how we as women view ourselves – magazine covers, articles, modelling agencies.  You do have a choice in subscribing to what you see, read and believe…or NOT!!


Perhaps you have already seem Embrace?  Either way, please feel welcome to share your thoughts here.  There is always something we can learn from others experiences.  Sharing is empowering.

You can learn more about Tarryn, her story and the movie over at

claire-and-kylieClaire and I had a great night!


Festive Wishes

Blessed Festive Season

From Me…to you

I’ve loved connecting with you via this social media platform. Where we have the opportunity to share, learn and inspire each other.  Thank You.

May you enjoy this festive and holiday season in a manner which connects with you and your loved ones.  May we all continue to flourish in 2016.

Health, Happiness & Freedom to you always xx


Empowering You…

One of the many joys in my life is empowering others to believe
that we all can truly live a life blessed with Health, Happiness & Freedom.

There are many avenues for that, of which one is public speaking.
Sharing the journey, the challenges, tips, routines and loads of ‘stuff’ that
I’ve learned along the way…and still learning.

It is especially nice to receive Thanks and Belinda has kindly shared her experience
in the organising of her event.

Each one of my presentations is customised to the request of the client. Here is a snippet
of Belinda and I sharing a coffee and planning for her event.

Belind and I chatting Logistics

Click on the link below to hear from Belinda.
Thank You for your kind words Belinda. It was a pleasure collaborating with you
and empowering more women. Your event had a wonderful energy.

Invincible Woman Series from Belinda

Random Acts of Kindness

A couple of weeks ago I was the fortunate recipient of a Random Act of Kindness. Louise and the team at Enhance HQ extended an invitation to me to join their Ladies Group Training Sessions, which have a focus on High Intensity Training over a 30 minute period.

At first I thought, gosh I’ve never done that style of training and then I thought…yeh I love a new challenge and I thought it was a wonderful way to challenge myself and meet new buddies. So, the team at Enhance HQ have warmly welcomed me, as have the other ladies I’ve trained with and we’ve enjoyed a few laughs along the way and of course a good sweat up! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my training including new things like the Prowler.

The team at Enhance have created a great environment for training. One which is welcoming, fun, relaxed and then when it’s time to ‘pump it out’ it’s all about encouraging each other. To learn more about Enhance HQ and to browse my deadlift technique, pop over to

I’ve learned a few things:

• Be open to new challenges
• Believe in you…I always practice this one! Sometimes when posed with an unfamiliar situation it’s easy to shy away or second guess yourself!
• We all have the power to add Random Acts of Kindness to our lives and you just never know how it will change someone’s life or day.


Warmest of Thanks to Louise, Agnes, Chris and all the Team at Enhance HQ for having me. I’ve really enjoyed myself.