Foodie Friday…It’s Winter Now

Porridge kinda weather here in Brisbane right now.

That time of year when winter has arrived and the body is often seeking a different form of nourishment.

Here is my almond meal porridge…it’s truly delicious and with a little prep, it’s ready in no time at all.  I love it with berries on top.  When they’re not in season I keep some of the organic ones in the freezer.  Or, when in season I steam some fresh rhubarb which is equally delicious.  You choose, Enjoy 🙂

Almond Meal Porridge

Almond Meal Porridge - Pic

Foodie Friday…Beetroot

We all know just how much I appreciate to follow the seasonal produce offerings for the benefits like…

  • Variety of eating, which also means variety of nutrients;
  • Means, I never get bored eating the same thing;
  • It’s super cost effective;
  • Gets me thinking creatively in the kitchen, and
  • Of course when food is in season there is an abundance at great quality.

And of course, those who do know me well, also know that I enjoy a ‘sweet treat’ as I call it.  Being a bit sensitive to sweeteners I try to ensure with my sweet treats that they are not just a big hit of sugar (no matter the sweetener you choose to use), I also look to try and add nourishment to the treat.

You know, achieve a bit of balance.  Check out my recipe below, for these delicious chocolate beetroot muffins

Chocolate & Beetroot Muffins

I actually picked myself up some beetroot at the market recently and also created a delicious warm salad, together with some fresh wild rocket, roast sweet potato, toasted flaked almonds and sprinkled with goats cheese.  It was soooo good – we ate it with a piece of grilled salmon.

Beetroot is one of those cold, warm, sweet and savoury foods – don’t you just love versatile products.


Foodie Friday…Chia Pudding

In my recent post ‘Why’ I shared with you how I’ve really had to dig deep these past 2 years in processing some really well tucked away childhood memories.  From that experience, as ugly as it was, I’ve learned a whole lot more – about myself and about my health.

Some of those things are…

  1. Keep it simple – Sometimes listening to podcasts and reading can be empowering and educational, other times it can be sabotaging!  If it consumes you, you find yourself always looking for an answer from somewhere external, other than within, then from my experience – go back to basics, connect with some real simplicity in your life, learn to say ‘No, Thank You’, shut out some noise, give yourself some space and time and focus on one thing at a time.  Be patient.
  2. Stay connected – The greatest gift to yourself is to love you, first – authentically, without judgement.  Easier said than done right!!! I do get that.  With continual practice though, it is possible.  So, staying connected with yourself is an essential tool for self love.  Learning the harmony of seeking outside professional help when needed and then also being real and honest with yourself and doing the inner work – sometimes the best way to resolve this is actually have a real, honest conversation with yourself.
  3. Listen to you, your intuition – You know, that little inner voice, that when we take the time, it’s so empowering for us.


Point 1 above, ‘Keep it simple’ leads me to my recipe sharing today.  Part of what I’ve done recently is said to myself ‘ok, let’s take it back to basics, keep it simple’ and continue on the path that had me at such optimum health a few years back.  Stop looking for a solution, you already have it!

I know that being the best version of you is more than what you nourish on, it’s also about your state of mind.  What we nourish on though, can either fuel our body or create a toxic environment for us to live.  It’s a choice, right?

Hope you enjoy some time in the kitchen this weekend, nourishing yourself.  Click on the link below to enjoy the chia pudding recipe.  Super easy and yummy!

Chia Seed Pudding


It’s Getting Cooler…

As the weather gets cooler here in Brisbane, do you find yourself looking for different styles of nourishment?

Our family definitely eats for the seasons…not only is it cost efficient, you usually get fresher produce and I love variety – not only from a level of nourishment but also for fun in the kitchen, playing with new recipes and ingredients.

So, this often means less smoothies and more soups, porridge, warm salads, roast vegetables, even my home-made clean eating version of apple and berry crumble!!

Soup is one of those meals, I find super nourishing, it’s cost effective, I often make my own bone broth in larger quantities and store it in the freezer, ready for use in dishes such as soups or slow cooked meats.

So, here is a recipe for a deliciously, hearty and nourishing soup.  I’m sure you’ll find yourself with leftovers, which is always an added benefit.

If you’ve been following the blog for a little while now, you may have seen me share this recipe previously…In fact, our daughter Georgia created it a few years back now and it’s one of those favourites that we enjoy seasonally 🙂


Minestrone Soup

Drinks & Nibblies

Oh my goodness, can you actually believe I’m about to say it!!!  With less than 100 days til the 2018 Australian Open starts (apologies if you’re not a tennis fan, lol!!) that means the festive season is really not that far away, pause, gasp 🙂

And for many that means an often busier time of year, with lots of gatherings and social occasions.  This CAN be a challenging time for either over-eating or not eating with what’s healthy for your body.

For me, sure I have a few indulgences at that festive time of year…yes, I’ll definitely be sharing my much enjoyed, clean Christmas Cake recipe again.  But, until then with undoubtedly many invitations to events or hosting your own, you can CHOOSE to keep life on the healthier side.

I’ve actually used this strategy since I began this healthier lifestyle over 6 years ago now.  It works for me…and our family AND means I don’t find myself falling WAY out of rythmn, waking up with foggy heads or having the digestion system too far out of balance.  For me, it just means I continue to feel good and trust me, before I began changing my lifestyle, that wasn’t a healthy or happy place to live!

So, as I do, jumped into the kitchen with notepad and pen and created this Roasted Beetroot Dip recipe…I did this a couple of years ago, but it’s often those ‘favs’ that I find myself coming back to.  Especially when I bought some fresh beetroot at the markets recently!

And having a notepad and pen in the kitchen is how I can share recipes with you guys, otherwise it ends up being a ‘kinda recipe’…I’m sure you get what I mean!

Roasted Beetroot Dip - Pic

Check out the recipe below, it is super easy!  The longest part of it is roasting the beetroot and let’s face it, pretty much you can put that in the oven and walk away for a good hour.  The smell will remind you 🙂


Beetroot Dip

Eat Seasonal!


Fruit & Nut Slice

It’s a classic…this is one of the very first recipes I created myself.  Out of a desire to eat healthier and yet still enjoy a little treat.

Whether you see it as a weakness or not, I still love to sit and enjoy a coffee (long black is my fav!) and share in a little sweety treat.  Eating clean and healthy and following great lifestyle choices that enhance my everyday living, doesn’t mean it’s boring and doesn’t mean I go without.  I honestly believe this is why I’ve been able to continue to live this healthier lifestyle.

I know I’ve shared this recipe previously and if you’re over it, then please just delete it.  What I do hope for, is that this reaches someone who really enjoys and gets just as much enjoyment and inspiration in the kitchen as I do – when I first created it and for every occasion I’ve made it since – it always gets lots of compliments when sharing with others and for me that’s part of the joy in creating delicious, nourishing foods.

Of course, with all my recipes just adjust it to your own tastes and likings.  This is a great one for also using what you already have in the pantry.  It’s that no stress, no fuss approach I enjoy in my own kitchen.  You don’t have pistachios…no problem, just replace it with another type of nut!  Have fun with it 🙂

Fruit & Nut Slice Recipe

Those Long Weekend Vibes

This past long weekend was like a gift…with so many good, nourishing vibes!

Even though the week is now fully in swing, is there anyone else still soaking up those healthy Long Weekend vibes? Almost like I had so much great rejuvenation that the body and mind has enough energy to fuel me through the week.

And that feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!

Long Weekend Vibes

For us it’s all about lifestyle choices.  We often use this particular long weekend as a little time to rejuvenate…after all it’s the last long weekend of the year!!  Oh my, that means, dare I say it…Christmas is not really that far away!!

So, for us the weekend looked like – local market visit stocking up the kitchen, sitting  in the park, soaking up the sunshine, chatting with my Babe (hubby, Rob) and enjoying a good coffee.

Acai BowlsCoffee


We spent a great amount of time outdoors, sitting on the green grass, soaking up nature and also running around the tennis court, sharing some laughs and equally spent just as much time relaxing…reading, I’m enjoying Lorna Jane’s new ‘Love You’ book and also caught some tennis on the tv from overseas.  Did some journaling and played around in the kitchen making a new salad.  Gosh, what a difference an extra day in your weekend makes…Feeling grateful  xx

LJ Love You Book.JPG

Muffins…Yes Please!

Our passionfruit vine is definitely on the grow…Click on the link below for a delicious recipe for using your passionfruit this season.

Choc Chia & Passionfruit Muffins - Pic

Choc Chia & Passionfruit Muffins

Other great uses for passionfruit…

  • Smoothies
  • Chia Porridge
  • Stand and eat…like, they’re so delicious, sometimes you don’t need to do anything with them, but just enjoy 🙂

Share your passionfruit ideas here with us.  Happy Baking!

Spring has arrived…

Hooray!!!  Who else is doing the happy dance now that Spring has arrived here in Australia?

It’s such a beautiful time of year, on so many levels.  From the change to warmer temperatures, the different times of sunrise and sunset, not so challenging getting out of bed in the cold, I start to eat more salads, the BBQ gets used more, new seasonal foods arrive at the markets, everything is greener and usually blossoming…it sure does have such a different energy.

And all of this, also means ‘Smoothie Time’!!

Spring Time = Smoothie Time

So many creations, options are endless, using new seasonal ingredients.  This one was all about Kale, Banana, Blueberries, Avocado and a splash of coconut water and almond milk = yum.  With smoothies, it’s usually the ‘less is more’ approach.

Feel welcome to share with us, what it is you love about this time of year or what’s one of your favourite smoothies to create.

Happy Spring Time, Lovelies 🙂


For me, curry is that ‘anytime’ of year kinda meal.  I can eat a great curry in both winter and summer.

Well, I made one just recently and guess what…totally forgot to take photos and share with you all!!  It was delicious though, so I’ve put together a few of the ingredients I used and I’ll try and articulate a kinda recipe for you 🙂  You know my style right? I do love creating in the kitchen on the fly, so I am relying upon my memory.  So, as with all my kinda recipes – use your intuition, preferences and tastebuds. Oh and be sure to taste test!!

Curry - Lentils.jpg

I usually make my own curry paste, it’s super, super easy to do.  Throw all the ingredients in the blender, adjust the liquid and magic, you’re done in about 2 minutes!!

So, for this one I threw into the blender, roughly chopped

  • Lemongrass
  • Fresh Garlic
  • Bit of red chilli…I didn’t use all of this, about a quarter
  • Knob of Ginger
  • Fresh Lime Juice and Zest
  • And adjusted the liquid consistency with a splash of coconut milk
  • Oh and a good handful of the Himalayan salt

Good thing is, if you make more than you need…you can freeze the leftovers ready for your next curry 🙂

I used red lentils and boiled them in my homemade bone broth.  In a separate pan I sautéed the curry paste, added a whole stack of veggies – this time I used some baby kipfler potatoes, onion and honestly I can’t remember what other veggies I threw in there.  But you get the idea…they just slowly simmered away til cooked.  And towards the end I added the red lentils and at the very end I added a fillet of fresh fish, diced.

Talk about a hearty, nourishing meal. And I find this meal is easy on my digestion and even better there were leftovers, big thumbs up 🙂