
Need I say anymore!!

Well, I finished making the first batch of homemade bone broth yesterday…it simmered away all day on the stove top.  Right now, I have packaged it into serving-size portions and popped about 4 portions of it in the freezer.

So, what better use for homemade broth than homemade soup.  Here is one of my favourite winter soups.

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup Pic

Carrot, Coconut & Coriander Soup.  Once again, keeping it easy to make – less is more! Great to make in larger batches and freeze.  Have on hand for those occasions when your time may be a little shortened.

If you’re following the recipe, just replace the quantity of water with the bone broth/stock.  Click on the link below and create your magic, enjoy 🙂

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup

That ‘No Excuses’ Approach

And so, we’re underway…with the first batch of my homemade bone broth.  All in preparation for these upcoming cooler winter months here in Brisbane.

Bone Broth - Winter 2017

My kitchen was the place to be earlier this morning, as the ginger, chilli, bones, celery, peppercorns, garlic, carrot and onion got covered with water and began the slow simmer on the stove top for the many hours to come.  Right now, the smell is covering the whole house!

The cooler months for me are NOT a time of year that I love.  I have worked out, over a period of time that I actually don’t thrive in the cold weather.  After losing my weight I realised the feeling of cold was not only unfamiliar but a bit like feeling unsafe.  When I carried all that excess weight I never felt the cold.  As my trainer said to me, it’s like shedding your doona, Kylie!!  Having learned this about myself, now helps me deal with the change of seasons a little better.

I realised I need to implement that ‘no excuses’ approach even more in winter.  Don’t let winter be an excuse for eating poorly…remember, our nourishment is all about harmony, conscious eating choices that nourish for YOUR body.  No eating plan will ever be sustainable if you feel deprived.  So, enjoy it all…when you’re in the moment eating that raw treat, just love it.  Love it as much as you would a piece of dark chocolate, a green smoothie, a cup of herbal tea, a green salad or a piece of salmon.

I do adjust my schedule entirely when it starts to get cold. If you find yourself not flourishing in the cold, then here are a few strategies I use, that may also help you too:

  • My alarm goes off 1 hour later in winter (I start this around Easter time);
  • I’m even more conscious of ‘comfort eating’!  It can be easy to fall into a trap of warm winter desserts on the couch!
  • I tend to exercise around mid-late afternoon, as opposed to the early mornings;
  • Layering…I find it works really well in helping to keep me warm;
  • I definitely add soup to the regular menu and having batches of things like the bone broth on hand helps with this.  It’s easy to freeze in portion sizes;
  • Another thing to consider is the type of exercise you are doing.  For example does your body need more yoga and less running when it’s cold?  Invite a conversation with yourself around this;
  • Are you getting enough vitamin d?  My regular morning ritual is to sit in the early morning sun for approx. 20 minutes…I do this most days.  I find it rejuvenating and sets me up for a great day ahead;
  • Have you considered what you are nourishing on?  Look at the different and seasonal fresh foods available.  Seasonal foods usually equal great value and quality.

I’m fortunate that my lifestyle facilitates these adjustments.  Remember, do what you can with your lifestyle.  We ALL have the power to change our choices to improve our lifestyle.

There are so many lifestyle choices and changes we can all make to flourish to our best throughout the entire year.  I’m sharing mine with you here.  Feel welcome to share your ideas with us and play with what best works for you 🙂

Dinner Inspiration…Yes Please!

The recipe says it all really.  This is a delicious and nourishing dish.

  • It’s a regular in our household.
  • A tasty meatless option.
  • Or, if you’re wanting meat – grilled fish or chicken are a great accompaniment.
  • Easy to adjust for the seasons and your tastebuds.
  • Fabulous to use for leftovers.
  • Ideal to use when you’re needing a creation to use up those ‘bits’ you often have in the crisper.
  • The dressing is easily adaptable also.  I often swap the orange for lemon – zest and juice!


Roast Vegetable Salad & Tahini Dressing.jpg

Muffins? Yes Please…

The weather is quite changeable here in Brisbane today…cool one minute, humid the next, plenty of rain, a bit of thunder to start the day and seems to be staying cloudy!  So often on days like this I jump into the kitchen and have fun playing and creating.

You know my foodie style follows what I call clean eating…For our whole family that means gluten, dairy and grain free.  Low on sugars/sweeteners, natural ones at that.  Not only this, I look for nutritional value and it’s quality, following this SLOW mindset = Seasonal, Local, Organic, Wholesome.

I love our weekly visit to local markets and exploring new markets.  Chatting with farmers, learning how our food is grown and where it comes from.  I even met one of the farmers recently who sings to his beans!  Now, there is passion for you.

Follow the link below to my recipe for Pear and Chia Muffins and enjoy creating 🙂

Pear & Chia Muffins

Pear & Chia Muffins Pic



Meet my good friend today…

My ‘bit of anything’ smoothie!


It goes a bit like this…Ginger + Cucumber + Celery + Avocado + Banana + Lemon + Coconut Water = Those days when you have a bit of many things in the fridge…best placed in a blender and presto, NOURISH!!

Ever find yourself in this position? Where you have lots of bits of things to use up…Then I encourage you to pop into the kitchen and get creative.  Quiches, muffins, slices, smoothies, freezer packs…the options are endless.  Remember, sometimes ‘less is more’ really works and it’s a great way of being cost effective with your goodies too.

Have yourself a fabulous weekend 🙂


Without a doubt this is my ‘go to’ recipe for using really ripe bananas.

Earlier this week I had several bananas that needed to be used, so I popped into my ‘happy space’ ala the kitchen and whipped up some banana bread.  I’m sure I’ve shared it with you before, but just in case you’re looking for it again, here is my banana bread recipe…

One of the things I love about it is the ability to use what you have in the kitchen.  This week I didn’t add any additional sweetener (I thought the bananas were sweet enough) and I also added some figs and cacao nibs.  With no tapioca flour in the fridge I just used the freshly ground almonds.

Have fun playing and adjusting it to your own tastebuds.  It’s a good one for lunchboxes, on the go snacks and freezer friendly.  I find it easy to slice and freeze in portions ready for serving.


Apricot & Cardamom Cake

What can I say…this rocked our world, and our tastebuds!

You know how I love to play in the kitchen…well this was created from yesterday’s playtime.  Enjoy re-creating it…and remember, with any of my recipes they are a sharing.  You can tailor them to your own tastebuds and eating styles.  Link below, for you 🙂

Apricot and Cardamom Recipe

 Apricot & Cardamom Pic.jpg



Delicious Winter Warmer…

We sure are having a mixed weekend of weather here in Brisbane!

With all the rain yesterday, we decided to change our weekend plans and spent some self-love time indoors – reading, nourishing, laughing, learning and meditating.  It’s been delightful and I’m feeling grateful for this time.

With the colder weather comes a different level of nourishment.  From the food we eat, to our skin care and even our vitamin D intake.   Perhaps you’re not pumping out the smoothies like you would in the warmer weather.

One of my most enjoyable ways to nourish throughout the cooler months is with soup.  Here is one of my favourite recipes…Enjoy and remember, you can customise it to your own tastebuds 🙂

Carrot Coconut & Coriander Soup.jpg


The Seasons…

As you know I love to follow seasonal produce with my choices of clean eating.  For me this has several benefits:

  • My body gets to experience nourishing on a variety of seasonal produce;
  • I learn to try new things – both taste and texture;  You know step outside that comfort zone!
  • I also learn different nutritional values;
  • What makes my body thrive and what doesn’t!;
  • When there is an abundant supply of produce, it usually translates to cost effective purchasing;

At the moment I am really enjoying nourishing on the pears that are in season.  As you know I like to purchase mostly organic produce and shop locally at weekend markets.  Here are some of the things I like to do with pears:

  • A snack on their own – juicy and sweet!
  • Add them to smoothies;
  • Bake clean eating treats with them…some of my favourites are pear and chia muffins or pear and cardamom cake!
  • Steam them in a little cinnamon
  • You could add them to your morning porridge, oats or chia seed pudding…as we move into the cooler months of the year here in Brisbane!

Share with us some of your favourite ways to enjoy pears 🙂



In the kitchen…

Because some things just turn out awesomely the first time…with no recipe!

It’s always good to get honest feedback about my baking and the family gave this one a big thumbs up 🙂

This ‘creation’ was inspired by my desire to use some local, fresh pecans from a colleague.  I love trying out new ingredients and thinking about what ingredients will partner well together.

So, with no recipe to give you, this ended up being a mixture of

  • Dry Roasted Pecans (smashed)
  • Fresh – Blueberries, Strawberries and Raspberries
  • Shredded Coconut (a little extra for the topping)
  • Almond Meal
  • Hazelnut Meal
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sweetener (I used Birch Xylitol)
  • Bi Carb

I don’t have measurements to give you…but I will offer you this – You can create any recipe from exploring and using your intuition.  This is how I have taught myself.

There are only 2 outcomes…it will be a success or it will be a learning experience.  Either way, pop into the kitchen this festive season, use your intuition, bake with love and most of all have fun xx

Coconut Berry Pecan Loaf