Reflecting…Did you take the time?

Prior to focussing on the new year ahead, I like to hit the pause button and enjoy a few moments of reflection for the year that was, 2015.

For me, this provides…

  • Gratitude, and
  • Perspective

A wonderful opportunity to see where I am doing well and other areas that may need more of my focus.  To summarise 2015, for me it consisted of much growth and learning, both at a professional and personal level.  In some cases, that meant I didn’t achieve goals I had set.  Did this initially frustrate me?  Absolutely!

However, if there is one thing I have learned throughout my health journey, it’s patience.  Rather than my previous self-sabotaging thoughts, I was able to reflect, ask myself some honest questions and re-focus.  This meant ‘change’ which is a whole other story for another time!  Needless to say though, it pushes my buttons.  Sometimes the mind has the goal set, however the body and our universe have other ideas.

Reflection provided me the perspective to realise there were reasons for not achieving certain goals and I’m grateful for that opportunity to pause and then move forward with renewed perspective, goals and motivation.

Did you allow yourself the time to reflect, hit the pause button and then move forward ready for living your best life in 2016?  It’s never too late…

Best Friend or Worst Enemy



Be Open

To life…
To new opportunities…
Listen to a new musician…
Test drive a new recipe…
Try a new product…
Add a new ‘move’ to your workout…
Change your daily affirmation…

And watch how the universe works…Your world, your perspective and life opens.

Empowering You…

One of the many joys in my life is empowering others to believe
that we all can truly live a life blessed with Health, Happiness & Freedom.

There are many avenues for that, of which one is public speaking.
Sharing the journey, the challenges, tips, routines and loads of ‘stuff’ that
I’ve learned along the way…and still learning.

It is especially nice to receive Thanks and Belinda has kindly shared her experience
in the organising of her event.

Each one of my presentations is customised to the request of the client. Here is a snippet
of Belinda and I sharing a coffee and planning for her event.

Belind and I chatting Logistics

Click on the link below to hear from Belinda.
Thank You for your kind words Belinda. It was a pleasure collaborating with you
and empowering more women. Your event had a wonderful energy.

Invincible Woman Series from Belinda

The Power of the Mind…

We are all so much more powerful than we realise. 
Keep challenging the mind, watch yourself grow and enjoy the journey!

Mind Power - Sky Is Not The Limit


Claire Massingham, founder of the Happiness Bank shares her story with us including ‘Building a Sustainable Base of Happiness’ and her addiction to Raw Salted Caramel Slice!!

Meet Claire (below) and click on her picture to enjoy the story…Thanks Claire xx

Happy Letter

The forming of an Oyster…

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Here he is, Rob…The love of my life. Though, it hasn’t always been that way!!

From the very early days of getting to know Rob when we were both around age 7 til eventually one rainy New Years Eve a poolside kiss is where it all began. As they say, the rest is history and we have now been married for over 18 years.

Yesterday, Rob celebrated a milestone…His 40th birthday!

Since embracing his health journey being by Rob’s side has been like watching the forming of an oyster. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing and just like an oyster there have been those heavy and doubtful days feeling like that oyster on the floor of the sea.

Ultimately, Robs ‘Never Give Up’ attitude shines through revealing, similar to the oyster a shiny, smooth, gentle and nourishing soul that is now flourishing in life.

Growing oysters is a process…over years, as has Robs journey been. In addition to shedding his 33kilos, Rob has also released past events, behaviours and emotions that no longer serve him, positively in his life today. It is often the processing of such events that is the more challenging than shedding the weight!

So, on our very early morning walk to watch the sunrise yesterday, Rob said he saw turning 40 as just another number…though he is very much looking forward to continuing to flourish.

I had no idea when I married Rob that my love for him could grow deeper, but our love and connection grows deeper and richer everyday. I truly am blessed.

The Paleo Way Tour, Brisbane

Paleo Inspired - Day of Health, Happiness & Freedom

Paleo Inspired – Day of Health, Happiness & Freedom

I have never been a university student or lecturer…though there were times yesterday afternoon when I felt like I was.

Brisbane, the opening day of The Paleo Way Tour. There has been much talk around town this week of…I wonder what the format will be?

Luke Hines, was the MC for the afternoon. Introducing the musically talented, Wes Carr and Pete Evans. Pete’s briefing discussed Paleo and among other things the much talked about food pyramid and his 2020 goal. Pete then introduced us to Nora Gedgaudas.

Nora, clearly a well educated lady and author of Primal Body, Primal Mind began her very in depth and scientific presentation, all things Primal including Ketosis, Fats, Sugars Carbohydrates and more. We were introduced to many overseas leading experts and professors in their respective fields and learnt many new words. Or as my friend said ‘I have learned at least 30 new words and can’t pronounce any of them!’

Keeping perspective of an audience of broad ages, and I imagine areas of interest, knowledge and reason for attending I am paused to reflect that inspiration as opposed to a lecture-style delivery would have kept the interest peaked at a higher level.

After almost 2 hours, an injection of energy from Wes Carr with his new single, Anthem…coupled together with the relaxed, yet honest account of Wes’ own health journey was refreshing and uplifting.

For me, yesterday re-affirmed that being true to myself, my clients and my audience in my message…You don’t need a label to define your style of eating. Stay connected to yourself and eat what works best for you, mind and body. This really is the best way. And, I am blessed to have shared the day with 3 beautiful health-minded ladies.

Oh, and to the gentlemen who asked the question about marathon running…My hope is that the universe is working and you may read this. I would love to help you. I too, love to run.

Wishing you Health, Happiness & Freedom always:-)