Shorts…More than just clothing!!

To anyone else, these are quite simply a pair of shorts – cool colour, vibrant, comfy to wear, a cool material for those hot summer days at the beach.  And in fact, I loved them so much I bought them in 3 different colours!

For me, these shorts represent so much more – the love v hate relationship I have had with my own body image – unconsciously for quite some time now.  And through working with my Kinesiologist, it has just recently come into my consciousness.


To give you an idea, these shorts sit above my knee…I know, scary thought hey, to wear something sitting above my knee!!  Despite all the weight I have lost (more about that at and the magnitude of lifestyle changes I have embraced these past 5+ years, the image I see of myself in the mirror differs greatly from reality.

So, with great encouragement and support from my family, this past weekend I wore these shorts in public and in fact I even wore them whilst out walking…I’m talking like a 5km+ walk.  It took lots of inner strength and self talk to lift my head as I walked, to not let that negative chatter gain momentum – to get loud inside my head!  To keep away that voice that sometimes starts as someone walks toward me to immediately think ‘they’re looking at the loose skin on your legs, or your thighs are too big’!!  And, guess what?  I survived, I made it through the day and I’m still here to share the story with you 🙂   I was determined to break through this negative thinking pattern that I have let have too much say!!

It felt liberating, freeing as I strolled along the beach, paddling in the water under the sunshine of Byron Bay.

At present, I am practicing lots of mirror work, daily, even just to stand in front of the mirror and find 1 positive thing to say about my body, or a simple ‘I love you, Kylie’.   Although, our teenage daughter didn’t quite see the funny side when she walked in recently to find me telling myself ‘you have a hot butt’, lol!!!  You get the picture right?

My vision for sharing my story is to empower and give strength to anyone struggling with your own body image.  To read, to educate and to surround yourself with whatever the tools are that work for you to get a hold of the negative chatter and embrace your courage and be brave.  To practice self love and to never give up.  As I described to my Kinesiologist recently, such a sizeable transformation of ones life is like getting to know a new person all over, and that new person is YOU xx

Please share this with others and let’s embrace our bodies for who and what they are today, in this moment – For men and women, let’s spread this positive energy.



How are you moving?

Winter…You challenge me to keep moving!  And, I’m up for the challenge 🙂

My body doesn’t thrive in the cold, does yours?

Here are a few of my tips…

  1. Believe, Believe, Believe – That ‘Never Give Up’ attitude;
  2. A little planning always helps;
  3. Lay out your workout gear;
  4. No time for classes?  This was me earlier in the week, so keep it simple, lay out your yoga mat and take 15 minutes in a quiet space.  It’s bliss;
  5. Listen to your body.  If it needs a run – then go run, if it needs a gentle walk – do that too!
  6. It’s all part of your total wellbeing, so be sure to do it with love and joy in your heart.


Move Your Body

You may also like to browse – A Queensland Government initiative offering you inspiration for your best active life.


Bliss, Bruises, Buddies & Belief

Ever feel so excited that you actually get a bit choked up?  I’m feeling a little this way today – mixed with a sense of gratitude and achievement.  Here’s why…

Today, we celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary.  It all began quite some years before we married, having known each other since childhood. Not exactly sweethearts to begin with, Rob kept asking me out…I kept saying no!  Not to be discouraged, Rob knew what he wanted.  And then finally it was a wet and rainy New Years Eve, midnight arrived and he thought he would sneak a poolside kiss, magic happened and this is when it all began.

20th - wedding pic

Perhaps it was the rain, the disco music at the Bribie Island Caravan Park or Rob’s ‘Never Give Up’ attitude, but something came over me that night!

And, what a journey we are on.  The joys in sharing with my best friend, lover, business partner and tower of strength.  He laughs with me, holds my hand, comforts me, pushes my buttons, cooks a yummy roast, takes me on adventures, supports my growth and gives warm cuddles xx

20th - honeymoon

I took a few moments recently to reflect with fondness of a journey that is filled with so many memories.  Daughter, Georgia – now 18, and I even dragged out some old photo albums and shared a few laughs together.  As I’m sure Rob may when he sees this picture (above) of us enjoying our honeymoon.

I know there is lots more of this journey to ride and that’s exciting.  For now, I’m enjoying this moment of celebration.

20th - the now


Reflecting…Did you take the time?

Prior to focussing on the new year ahead, I like to hit the pause button and enjoy a few moments of reflection for the year that was, 2015.

For me, this provides…

  • Gratitude, and
  • Perspective

A wonderful opportunity to see where I am doing well and other areas that may need more of my focus.  To summarise 2015, for me it consisted of much growth and learning, both at a professional and personal level.  In some cases, that meant I didn’t achieve goals I had set.  Did this initially frustrate me?  Absolutely!

However, if there is one thing I have learned throughout my health journey, it’s patience.  Rather than my previous self-sabotaging thoughts, I was able to reflect, ask myself some honest questions and re-focus.  This meant ‘change’ which is a whole other story for another time!  Needless to say though, it pushes my buttons.  Sometimes the mind has the goal set, however the body and our universe have other ideas.

Reflection provided me the perspective to realise there were reasons for not achieving certain goals and I’m grateful for that opportunity to pause and then move forward with renewed perspective, goals and motivation.

Did you allow yourself the time to reflect, hit the pause button and then move forward ready for living your best life in 2016?  It’s never too late…

Best Friend or Worst Enemy


The forming of an Oyster…

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Here he is, Rob…The love of my life. Though, it hasn’t always been that way!!

From the very early days of getting to know Rob when we were both around age 7 til eventually one rainy New Years Eve a poolside kiss is where it all began. As they say, the rest is history and we have now been married for over 18 years.

Yesterday, Rob celebrated a milestone…His 40th birthday!

Since embracing his health journey being by Rob’s side has been like watching the forming of an oyster. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing and just like an oyster there have been those heavy and doubtful days feeling like that oyster on the floor of the sea.

Ultimately, Robs ‘Never Give Up’ attitude shines through revealing, similar to the oyster a shiny, smooth, gentle and nourishing soul that is now flourishing in life.

Growing oysters is a process…over years, as has Robs journey been. In addition to shedding his 33kilos, Rob has also released past events, behaviours and emotions that no longer serve him, positively in his life today. It is often the processing of such events that is the more challenging than shedding the weight!

So, on our very early morning walk to watch the sunrise yesterday, Rob said he saw turning 40 as just another number…though he is very much looking forward to continuing to flourish.

I had no idea when I married Rob that my love for him could grow deeper, but our love and connection grows deeper and richer everyday. I truly am blessed.