To Laugh, Scream or Cry???

Have you ever felt like just giving up…When life seems to be consistently throwing some curve balls your way? It all feels a bit overwhelming and you’ve lost your clarity and direction!!

Sometimes that happens in life…for me, 2016 felt exactly this way! It didn’t have the ease and flow to it that the previous years have had since beginning my health journey.

The low energy levels, skin irritations, hair loss, weight gain, thyroid issues, seeking a new rythmn with a new trainer, a new gym, I even did calorie counting for a 3 month period – I don’t recommend it!! It all lead me to, at times some pretty negative thinking 💭  

I actually began questioning my entire health journey.  Like ‘perhaps this is not my path, it would be easy to just go back to eating sausage rolls and takeaways.’ 

Though, in those most challenging moments, deep down there was always an inner voice saying ‘keep going, you’ve come so far’. Thank goodness I listened to that voice.


To be clear this is not a ‘woe is me’ moment, this is an empowering, believe in yourself, never give up kind of sharing moment.  

I believe that in life, in every moment, we have a choice…there is a lesson for us to grow and learn – or not! Ultimately it is our choice though. Albeit that in the moment we don’t always see things this clearly.

I’m grateful for not giving up, for listening, for continuing to learn, to seek and process advice, to be courageous and to grow.  This most recent holiday period has provided me this time and space needed for reflection and perspective.  

Given my enjoyment of the beach, upon reflection I thought of this…I’m learning to ride the flow of the waves 🌊 the highs, the lows and all that comes in between.

 Life…It’s a journey, enjoy it xx