In the kitchen…

Because some things just turn out awesomely the first time…with no recipe!

It’s always good to get honest feedback about my baking and the family gave this one a big thumbs up 🙂

This ‘creation’ was inspired by my desire to use some local, fresh pecans from a colleague.  I love trying out new ingredients and thinking about what ingredients will partner well together.

So, with no recipe to give you, this ended up being a mixture of

  • Dry Roasted Pecans (smashed)
  • Fresh – Blueberries, Strawberries and Raspberries
  • Shredded Coconut (a little extra for the topping)
  • Almond Meal
  • Hazelnut Meal
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sweetener (I used Birch Xylitol)
  • Bi Carb

I don’t have measurements to give you…but I will offer you this – You can create any recipe from exploring and using your intuition.  This is how I have taught myself.

There are only 2 outcomes…it will be a success or it will be a learning experience.  Either way, pop into the kitchen this festive season, use your intuition, bake with love and most of all have fun xx

Coconut Berry Pecan Loaf