A day with a difference…at the racetrack!

If you follow my social media offerings, you’ll know that a day at the racetrack is not a usual day for me.  So, why go??

Many months ago, daughter Georgia, asked if I would go to the Gold Coast 600 V8 Supercars day of racing with she and Dad.  You see it’s Georgia who loves the V8’s!!  For these past few years it’s been a dad/daughter day…this year they asked me to come along.

So, in an effort to support Georgia in her passion and try to have an understanding of just the feeling of what she loves…I said yes.

I guess her love/passion for the V8’s could be likened to that of my love and passion for the tennis.  The only difference being I do play tennis!!  Perhaps Georgia is destined to continue pursuing her passion 🙂

On many occasions in the lead up to the weekend, I had been warned ‘Mum, it’s going to be loud…I mean like REALLY loud’.  Despite the ample pre-warning, I’m not sure that anything could have prepared me for just how LOUD it is, Oh My!!  As we arrived at the racetrack the Porsches were racing and what struck me instantly was indeed the loudness, but it was also the vibration…it just filters through your entire body.

And to put in perspective for you, my usual morning rituals consist of something like a somewhat more gracious start to the day…sunshine on the front deck, reading, coffee, meditation and a late, leisurely breakfast.  We had been up since about 5am with an early morning drive to the Gold Coast from Brisbane and then to arrive to that sound and vibration…I think you get the total contrast of the start to my day.

I went really with no expectations and a mindset to be open to the experience and go with the flow.  As we arrived we did just that and I gotta be honest, it took me a bit to get used to the noise and the vibrations!!  In fact, I think I was watching the final 5 laps of the main race about 4pm that afternoon before I realised I wasn’t reacting to the vibrations anymore, lol!!!

Georgia had very kindly organised a ‘pit lane walk’ for the 3 of us.  In case you haven’t been to this experience before either, it’s where you can walk along the outside of the individual team garages, perhaps chat with some of the team, see the cars and the insides of the garages up close and personal.  And you might even be lucky to capture a happy snap, as Georgia did.  From the pic, I think you can clearly see just who Georgia’s favourite team is…Big smiles from Georgia chatting with ‘Duddo’ aka Mark Dutton, Team Manager.

V8 Supercars

Honestly, I really did enjoy the pit lane walk.  It provided the opportunity to see the sport closer.  You see, whilst I don’t have a love of motorsports, I do love sport in general.  So from that level, I appreciate the sport that it is.  The absolute precision and commitment it takes.  The mindset and dedication of what’s required to be an elite sportsperson.  A curiosity of mine, if you like.

In addition to the enjoyment of the pit lane walk, I did also enjoy to find a patch of lush green grass where I actually did chill out and capture a few minutes of meditation (well of some sort anyway).  And then of course, as you do, indulge in some hot chips for lunch!!

It’s a buzz of activity with helicopter flights taking off at every other minute, big screens everywhere you look, entertainers, merchandise and so much more.  The dress code is basically anything from thongs and a bikini right through to your Louis Vuitton and a suit!!


I did really enjoy this day with a difference.  I’m always open to learning and of course as a Mum always support Georgia.  After all, who knows just where our passion will take us in life.  Be Open and Say Yes to new experiences…adventure awaits.

Say Yes



Meet Terry

In addition to my passion for health and wellness, my husband and I own a telecommunications business, this is Rob’s area of expertise.  Through the diversity of my roles, I get to meet so many amazing people.  So, if you would like to hear the story of Terry and a wonderful organisation doing some cool stuff for people in our community, then please read on…

Let me introduce you to Terry and this heartfelt sharing I was touched by.

Meet Terry…Terry packages the cable ties for the NBN Co. With our telecommunications consultancy we have a LOT of dealings with NBN Co in projecting for our clients. Terry packs the required number and combination of black and clear into plastic bags and they are sealed ready for use. It’s this kind of work, together with binding, garden maintenance crews, baristas and so much more that make up the team at Mylestones Employment. The absolute pride and joy these workers demonstrated was a privilege to see and feel.  So, who are Mylestones Employment?  Read on…

Mylestones Employment - Meet Terry

Mylestones Employment support people with a range of disabilities, barriers or injuries to find long term employment. They work with employers, from small businesses to large corporations, and connect them with hardworking, local staff at no cost. Ultimately building a better business and community…more info over at http://www.myemployment.org.au

Those who know me well, know that it’s not often I’m speechless. Thank you to all involved for facilitating this showcase evening. Honestly, I was speechless, truly humbled and amazingly inspired.

There is so much more to the NBN than just fast internet speeds!!

Imagine if we all could in some small way support what’s offered at Mylestones, what a wonderfully inclusive energy we would be sending to the world.



What Truly Ignites You…

Have you found what truly ignites and inspires you?  I mean, it lights you up from the inside and it radiates out to the world.  Where what you are doing is with passion, purpose and love.  Where you don’t check the time to see if it’s going home time yet!  I mean, like the opposite…where you look at your watch and you think ‘Wow, where did that time go!’

Finding ‘what truly ignites you’ doesn’t have to be just 1 thing…it can be many.

As you read this, perhaps some signs come to you….pay attention to your thoughts, your body movements, even your facial expressions – that you may otherwise be unaware of.  Usually, we get signs from those first thoughts or feelings that appear for us.  If we are ‘tune in’ we will pay attention or not!  These little messages along the way are like sprinkles of confetti, fairy dust, bright lights – offering us the path to follow…Be sure to listen and follow the bright lights.  That in-built key within us all – our intuition.

If you aren’t quite there yet, then I truly hope that my sharing empowers you to ‘never give up’, keep being curious, trying new adventures, keep exploring, remove your own self-judgement and be open to ‘the new’.

It was over 10 years ago now when I first tried yoga.  I still remember getting home and saying to my husband ‘that is crap, I am never doing yoga again’!  Now, I can look back with some level of fondness and have a chuckle at that.  I have a very deep appreciation for yoga now, many years on.

An aspect of my life that truly ignites and lights me up is tennis.  Whether that be out on the court myself, off court training, receiving coaching, playing fixtures, following the professional circuit year-round, volunteering or watching on the TV.  Sometimes setting my alarm at times of the night that I would usually never get out of bed for, but the tennis is definitely an exception to this to follow matches from overseas.

The tennis provides a platform where I draw inspiration and take with me into other areas of my life.  Business ideas, solutions, strategies for my own tennis game and more.  I also admire how their mind thinks, how they are constantly looking for solutions on court.

One guy, pretty well known (lol!!) for his mental strength and his great tennis talent is Roger Federer.  Here is some inspiration from Roger following his win at the 2017 Australian Open …’I did believe that I had the game and the mental and physical capabilities to do it again.  I  knew it wouldn’t be easy but if I look back at the last years, when I was fit, 2015, 2012, 2011, I was really close.  I never lost belief.’

Whether you are a tennis fan, or not, the message is the same – always BELIEVE IN YOU.






Empowering You…

One of the many joys in my life is empowering others to believe
that we all can truly live a life blessed with Health, Happiness & Freedom.

There are many avenues for that, of which one is public speaking.
Sharing the journey, the challenges, tips, routines and loads of ‘stuff’ that
I’ve learned along the way…and still learning.

It is especially nice to receive Thanks and Belinda has kindly shared her experience
in the organising of her event.

Each one of my presentations is customised to the request of the client. Here is a snippet
of Belinda and I sharing a coffee and planning for her event.

Belind and I chatting Logistics

Click on the link below to hear from Belinda.
Thank You for your kind words Belinda. It was a pleasure collaborating with you
and empowering more women. Your event had a wonderful energy.

Invincible Woman Series from Belinda


Rod Laver     Kylie and Todd Woodbridge

As Katy Perry says ‘I’m Wide Awake’ and that describes my feelings following these past few weeks – spent volunteering at the Brisbane International, tennis tournament.


I have met so many new faces. From the team of volunteers, to Spanish officials, Tournament Directors, wheelchair players, Rod Laver and even the man that gives so much to tennis…Roger Federer. It was a truly special moment to congratulate him both on his win in Brisbane and his 1000th career win. Wow, what an achievement and a gentleman. 


A great inspiration in my life is Lorna Jane. Lorna speaks about giving MORE of yourself everyday and I have absolutely embraced that philosophy.


Not only am I fortunate to do something I love, the volunteering has enriched my soul, left my heart overflowing and taught me so much MORE about myself.  Learning to believe in me and my abilities.


I couldn’t do this without the support and encouragement from my family, especially my love, hubby and best mate…Rob. He is a constant source of wisdom and strength in my life.


I hope this inspires you to do what you love, follow your passion, chase your dreams and believe in you.


So much gratitude xx

Kylie at Transport Office     Rob and Kylie - By the Pool


I was absolutely curious!

I recently was fortunate to meet Connie Allen, from Griffith University who is conducting a study as part of her PHD program, of people who have achieved High-Level Wellness.

Connie and I were going to spend about an hour together…Both passionate about health & happiness, I think Connie and I ended up speaking/interviewing for about 4 hours. We chatted from anything like what a day of health & happiness looks like for me, what life was like back at 132.7kgs, the journey to where I am today and even infected belly buttons!!

Great to see our universities putting funding into the future of health.

Where to now? If you would like to know more about Connie, her future vision and Wellness Way Finders pop over to http://www.wellnesswayfinders.com.au

Griffith Uni Logo


This sure does raise a great question…and some thought-provoking chatter. 

You can learn, network, receive nourishment, share a laugh and offer so much at a ‘Conscious Consuming’ breakfast and that’s exactly what Kristie Ord has created.

Kristie is the passionate and vivacious owner of 48 Degrees Raw Food Café at Newmarket.  Among many other talents, Kristie is also a raw food chef.  On any given day you may see Kristie at the café greeting supplier deliveries, laughing, chatting with customers or creating one of her innovative and nourishing smoothies.

Kristie recently launched this concept of a networking breakfast with the focus on ‘Conscious Consuming’. Designed to prick our awareness and educate us even more about the imprint we have on our world.  Each breakfast centres around different topics such as skin care, overall health, environmental impacts and more.  I was delighted to share in the recent launch and speak all things wellness of my own personal journey. 

What an uplifting morning including green smoothies, other raw foodie treats (I won’t try and remember the correct names, I was in heaven!) and meeting some empowering and friendly, health enthusiasts.

If you would like to know more, meet Kristie or attend one of the many events she organises to benefit our health community, pop over to www.48degreesrawcafe.com.au or pop in and say hi in person.  You’ll really be nourished!  And yes, raw pizza may be on the menu (pic below)…

 Raw Pizza and Conscious Consuming Breakfast Launch

The forming of an Oyster…

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Turning 40! Early morning walk, sunrise and coffee with the family.

Here he is, Rob…The love of my life. Though, it hasn’t always been that way!!

From the very early days of getting to know Rob when we were both around age 7 til eventually one rainy New Years Eve a poolside kiss is where it all began. As they say, the rest is history and we have now been married for over 18 years.

Yesterday, Rob celebrated a milestone…His 40th birthday!

Since embracing his health journey being by Rob’s side has been like watching the forming of an oyster. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing and just like an oyster there have been those heavy and doubtful days feeling like that oyster on the floor of the sea.

Ultimately, Robs ‘Never Give Up’ attitude shines through revealing, similar to the oyster a shiny, smooth, gentle and nourishing soul that is now flourishing in life.

Growing oysters is a process…over years, as has Robs journey been. In addition to shedding his 33kilos, Rob has also released past events, behaviours and emotions that no longer serve him, positively in his life today. It is often the processing of such events that is the more challenging than shedding the weight!

So, on our very early morning walk to watch the sunrise yesterday, Rob said he saw turning 40 as just another number…though he is very much looking forward to continuing to flourish.

I had no idea when I married Rob that my love for him could grow deeper, but our love and connection grows deeper and richer everyday. I truly am blessed.

A Courageous Life

Three Wise Women

This 3 part series created by founder of The Invincible Woman, Belinda Wasowski has been inspiring to date.

With Part 2 and 3 to come, I am excited to be the next guest speaker.  If you value your Health in a holistic manner book your ticket promptly for a nourishing evening.


Ladies Only Event

Ladies Only Event