Warm Wishes to you…

And so, as the holiday and festive season is upon us I’m now taking some time to enjoy with family, share in some good times, travel, lots of tennis, delicious and nourishing foods and some ‘me time’.

I wish you a wonderful season, celebrated in a manner of your choosing and I hope it’s mixed with lots of positive vibes…


What’s your story?


For me, meditation has provided a platform for my story.  It has enriched my life in so many ways…

  • Releasing
  • Quiet Time
  • Focussed Thinking
  • Relaxation
  • An Inner Peace
  • Celebrating
  • It Nourishes My Health…From the Insides
  • To Express My Emotions
  • A Deeper Sense of Self Love
  • Empowered Decisions
  • Connection with Breathing
  • To Understand
  • To Be Curious

Do you meditate?  Feel welcome to share with us your reasons and benefits of this very peaceful practice.  We can all learn from each other and be at peace with our stories 🙂

Everybody has a story…

Everybody has a story




Claire Massingham, founder of the Happiness Bank shares her story with us including ‘Building a Sustainable Base of Happiness’ and her addiction to Raw Salted Caramel Slice!!

Meet Claire (below) and click on her picture to enjoy the story…Thanks Claire xx

Happy Letter


I recently read an article about Intuition. A great article and a great publication. You can learn more about the Happiness & Wellbeing Magazine or subscribe at http://happywellmag.com/product-category/subscription/

The story really connected with me…Do you listen to your Intuition? That little voice inside you, always guiding you to where you need to be right now, in every moment. It keeps you calm, connected, grounded and balanced.

If you had of asked me 3 or so years ago about my Intuition, I possibly would have looked at you unusually and asked ‘What is that?’. I was too busy (apparently!) and wayy too disconnected with myself and often this happens in the busy-ness of life…in fact we allow it to happen. Though if we pause, embrace our patience, make a choice and practice ‘tuning in’ on a regular basis there is much to be learned, firstly from within.

By ‘tuning in’ I mean engaging in activities or conversations with yourself…this will look different for us all and some may choose a variety of methods which may include deep breathing, meditation, tai chi and many others.

I encourage you to not engage in the battle or the fight – with yourself. Begin to tune in, embrace it, that trusting space for you…to learn and grow.

Do you 'Tune In' to yourself?

Do you ‘Tune In’ to yourself?


Thinking of investing in your own personal cleanse weekend at Misty Mountain Retreat…to be educated, inspired and empowered by Lori and Kylie?

This picture is a taste of my own personal experience at Misty Mountain Retreat…investing in ‘Kylie Time’. Including some quiet spa time, amongst the sunshine, birds chirping and mountain views. All whilst I sip on one of Lori’s clean smoothies.

It facilitates quiet time, re-connecting with you.  Think no more, it’s worth the investment:-)

Kylie and Misty Mountain spa


We speak regularly of ‘clean eating’…Do you have goals, dreams or needs to improve your health?

Have you ever invested in your own personal cleanse weekend?  This is YOUR time!

This isn’t a weekend about overhauling your life and departing on a Sunday afternoon with a ‘New You’. This is about taking personal ‘time out’ to give perspective and clarity to YOUR needs for 2014 and beyond.  We all know it takes consistency to maintain health…not defined by a New Years Resolution, only ever destined to crash!! This is about empowering and educating you with tools to continue or commence your health journey…SUSTAINABLE FOR LIFE:-)

Personal Cleanse Weekend