The power of being worthy…

Oh my!!  Why do us women often struggle with self care and valuing ourselves enough to take time out for us?  I mean, it’s one of the greatest gifts we have and yet often we use every excuse to not allow ourselves to experience such joy.

Anyone else got their hand up – yes, that’s me too!  I’ve got to talk myself through it.  Which brings me to sharing my recent ‘magical Friday’ with you.

But first I had to do the washing!  I know right, it’s hilarious, but my hubby actually said to me ‘Do you really need to wash before you go to the coast?’  Bless him xx. This bought a consciousness to me though, for which I’m grateful.

It was Mothers Day recently and daughter Georgia gifted me a voucher – I had been dropping a few hints that I would really love a massage.  I found a great place at Mooloolaba when we were up there earlier this year and for me, when I find a great spot I’m happy to stick with it.

Not only was my voucher for a massage, but it also included a Salt Therapy Treatment – which I have never had previously but heard great things about.

Mothers Day 2018 Gift Voucher

So, I had planned this day in advance for a couple of weeks…no work, no emails!  This day was all about me time, even including Rob organising dinner that night.  My morning started splendid with coffee in the sunshine and some warm oats for breakfast before my drive to Mooloolaba.  It was a stunning day, without a cloud in the sky.  From the picture below you can appreciate how stunning it was upon my arrival.  I actually had enough time to pause, sit in the sunshine and just appreciate the beauty of nature.

Mothers Day Voucher - Mooloolaba View

I then headed off for my treatments, which is just a hop, step and a jump from the main esplanade – even more opportunity to stroll along and soak up the atmosphere, feeling very grateful.

Greeted at the ‘Salt Caves’ by their friendly staff and the peaceful energy within, it’s difficult not to switch off from the to do list and really just be hugged by this calmness.  Before I knew it, my therapist had greeted me and I was settling into my ‘cave’ ready for my magnesium oil massage..

Mothers Day 2018 Flowers

These salt caves are really quite something.  It’s hard to describe, it really is like stepping into another world and also walking on salts.  If you’re curious, check out Salt Caves Mooloolaba at

So, after a couple of hours of massage and salt therapy treatment, I emerged – Feeling very blissed out.  I took the time to once again, sit and soak up the beachfront, before tucking into some re-hydrating coconut water and a little late snack/lunch.

The afternoon soon started to cool off as I made my way back to the car for the trip home.  My heart feeling so very grateful – on many levels – For the gift Georgia had given me, for the time I had gifted myself and for the reminder from my hubby that the washing didn’t need to be done.

I must say I was reminded to keep up my fluids, which I have done and gosh I slept very peacefully on Friday evening as well as enjoying a gentle Saturday.  I knew, there were a few knots the therapist found, so the body was feeling it a little over the weekend.

I really hope my sharing empowers you to honour yourself, your own wellbeing and take time out for you.  For me, a massage isn’t something I do all the time – it is special.  But you know what ‘time out’ can be as simple as sitting in the park, with a good book, a great podcast or enjoying a green juice.  IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU – SO IT’S ABOUT CHOOSING THIS TIME THAT LIGHTS UP AND REJUVENATES YOUR SOUL.

And just like me, remind yourself that self love is not selfish!  It’s actually enriching for our lives on so many levels.




Shorts…More than just clothing!!

To anyone else, these are quite simply a pair of shorts – cool colour, vibrant, comfy to wear, a cool material for those hot summer days at the beach.  And in fact, I loved them so much I bought them in 3 different colours!

For me, these shorts represent so much more – the love v hate relationship I have had with my own body image – unconsciously for quite some time now.  And through working with my Kinesiologist, it has just recently come into my consciousness.


To give you an idea, these shorts sit above my knee…I know, scary thought hey, to wear something sitting above my knee!!  Despite all the weight I have lost (more about that at and the magnitude of lifestyle changes I have embraced these past 5+ years, the image I see of myself in the mirror differs greatly from reality.

So, with great encouragement and support from my family, this past weekend I wore these shorts in public and in fact I even wore them whilst out walking…I’m talking like a 5km+ walk.  It took lots of inner strength and self talk to lift my head as I walked, to not let that negative chatter gain momentum – to get loud inside my head!  To keep away that voice that sometimes starts as someone walks toward me to immediately think ‘they’re looking at the loose skin on your legs, or your thighs are too big’!!  And, guess what?  I survived, I made it through the day and I’m still here to share the story with you 🙂   I was determined to break through this negative thinking pattern that I have let have too much say!!

It felt liberating, freeing as I strolled along the beach, paddling in the water under the sunshine of Byron Bay.

At present, I am practicing lots of mirror work, daily, even just to stand in front of the mirror and find 1 positive thing to say about my body, or a simple ‘I love you, Kylie’.   Although, our teenage daughter didn’t quite see the funny side when she walked in recently to find me telling myself ‘you have a hot butt’, lol!!!  You get the picture right?

My vision for sharing my story is to empower and give strength to anyone struggling with your own body image.  To read, to educate and to surround yourself with whatever the tools are that work for you to get a hold of the negative chatter and embrace your courage and be brave.  To practice self love and to never give up.  As I described to my Kinesiologist recently, such a sizeable transformation of ones life is like getting to know a new person all over, and that new person is YOU xx

Please share this with others and let’s embrace our bodies for who and what they are today, in this moment – For men and women, let’s spread this positive energy.