
G R A T I T U D E…For me, it’s a daily practice of writing in my journal – of what I’m feeling grateful for right now, in this very moment.  The more I practice, the more connected I feel.  A balance of expressing thanks for what is, coupled together with achieving new goals and growth.

When do I feel disconnected?  When I fall out of rythmn with my daily practice, lose that connection with my heart space, which usually means I have over-committed myself and I’m buzzing around being a bit too busy for what works for my life.  Everyone has a different rythmn, it’s about finding what works for you.


What are you grateful for today?  Let’s share in this space and spread the positive energy, I’ll begin…Today, I am grateful for:

  • Sitting in the morning sunshine, enjoying a coffee and soaking up the vitamin d;
  • The beautiful circle of friends we have in our life;
  • Reading my new book…by Richard Branson, ‘Screw It, Let’s Do It’
  • Working from home and the peace and flexibility that brings me and my lifestyle

Over to you for sharing 🙂

Shorts…More than just clothing!!

To anyone else, these are quite simply a pair of shorts – cool colour, vibrant, comfy to wear, a cool material for those hot summer days at the beach.  And in fact, I loved them so much I bought them in 3 different colours!

For me, these shorts represent so much more – the love v hate relationship I have had with my own body image – unconsciously for quite some time now.  And through working with my Kinesiologist, it has just recently come into my consciousness.


To give you an idea, these shorts sit above my knee…I know, scary thought hey, to wear something sitting above my knee!!  Despite all the weight I have lost (more about that at and the magnitude of lifestyle changes I have embraced these past 5+ years, the image I see of myself in the mirror differs greatly from reality.

So, with great encouragement and support from my family, this past weekend I wore these shorts in public and in fact I even wore them whilst out walking…I’m talking like a 5km+ walk.  It took lots of inner strength and self talk to lift my head as I walked, to not let that negative chatter gain momentum – to get loud inside my head!  To keep away that voice that sometimes starts as someone walks toward me to immediately think ‘they’re looking at the loose skin on your legs, or your thighs are too big’!!  And, guess what?  I survived, I made it through the day and I’m still here to share the story with you 🙂   I was determined to break through this negative thinking pattern that I have let have too much say!!

It felt liberating, freeing as I strolled along the beach, paddling in the water under the sunshine of Byron Bay.

At present, I am practicing lots of mirror work, daily, even just to stand in front of the mirror and find 1 positive thing to say about my body, or a simple ‘I love you, Kylie’.   Although, our teenage daughter didn’t quite see the funny side when she walked in recently to find me telling myself ‘you have a hot butt’, lol!!!  You get the picture right?

My vision for sharing my story is to empower and give strength to anyone struggling with your own body image.  To read, to educate and to surround yourself with whatever the tools are that work for you to get a hold of the negative chatter and embrace your courage and be brave.  To practice self love and to never give up.  As I described to my Kinesiologist recently, such a sizeable transformation of ones life is like getting to know a new person all over, and that new person is YOU xx

Please share this with others and let’s embrace our bodies for who and what they are today, in this moment – For men and women, let’s spread this positive energy.



What’s Your Winter Wellness Recipe?

With winter in full swing, it is a timely reminder to me that as the seasons change, so too do the needs of our body. What is your Winter Wellness Recipe?  What strategies do you use for surviving these cooler months? Are you tuned in to working with your body during the change of seasons?

Since my health journey, I’ve learned lots about this…and I’m still learning.  Though, I do find myself adapting better to the changing seasons these days…even if you do hear me complaining a little, during winter!!

Ok, so I can either complain OR look for a solution.  Yep, you guessed it – we all know that looking for the solution is the way to go. It puts out those positive vibes and a great mindset.

Below are a few tips and strategies that I use.  This year, Rob and I decided to do a bootcamp style training each Saturday morning through out gym and I’ve got to tell you it has been fabulous.  Sure, some weeks it’s cold and it would be easy to stay in bed.  But honestly I have loved every minute of it.  I love working out outdoors, working in groups and with buddies, everyone is friendly and we get to soak up some vitamin D as we do it.  Highly recommend it 🙂


As I’ve learned my body doesn’t thrive at it’s best in winter! My hubby even referred to me as ‘grumpy’. Despite how that may sound, I’m grateful for his feedback as I didn’t even realise that I was being grumpy! So, here’s a few things I’ve learned that help me better in the cold…and sometimes changeable weather here in Brisbane:

  1. Commit to exercise and have your active wear out ready to just slip into in the morning.
  2. Change of skincare. I use a richer moisturiser as my skin becomes very dry.
  3. With the change of season, also comes different seasonal produce which provides another platform to nourish.
  4. You won’t find me making green smoothies at this time of year, but you will find me making Brussel Sprout soup, almond meal porridge, steamed apples, zucchini pancakes and more…All clean eating style of course!
  5. I do love a sleep in…without guilt! Remember, as long as you have balance in your life then a sleep in is all about self love and not laziness! So, indulge yourself and really enjoy it 🙂
  6. Running is another form of exercise I enjoy, however I don’t enjoy it so much in winter…and that’s ok too. My body looks to move differently – whilst I still maintain my strength program, I also enjoy more moves such as yoga and gentle movement. Just lately I’ve also been using the sauna as a form of muscle recovery, blood flow and skin purifying. I’m really enjoying it and I am finding my recovery from training  has really improved.
  7. Daily sunshine – Whenever nature delivers sunshine, I take at least 15 minutes daily.  My body…AND mind thrive on it.  It’s like dancing for my soul.
  8. Daily meditation…This is one of my ‘non-negotiables’ all year round.
  9. Water intake – another ‘non-negotiable’ all year round.  During the cooler months it can be easy to decrease your intake, however our bodies still need hydration.  Be sure to make this a conscious choice and balance your intake with that of warmer drinks, which we often lean toward at this time of year.

I hope this empowers you in tuning in with your body and it’s changing needs.

Feel welcome to share your tips for Winter Wellness here with us.  I love hearing them and that way we all get to learn 🙂