Nude Yoga

We laughed, we cried, we sweated, we shared, we connected and we did yoga – NAKED!

Friday evening a group of courageous women, gathered in Brisbane, hosted by Rosie Rees.  You can learn more about Rosie at  There were so many personal reasons for removing the layers and experiencing the vulnerability of a deeper connection within ourselves.

One of Rosie’s opening messages to us was ‘You are enough’.  I had to pause and receive that nourishment for a moment.  Beneath our layers and without the new car, the designer handbag, the corporate job – We are all women with a story of life and with a strong desire to grow more into our own selflove.  For me, this looks like being the best version of myself that I can be…with a consistence striving to grow and learn.  And to release those fears that hold us back…mostly ourselves and our own judgements.

Rosie has a gift and we were all blessed to experience the safe space that Rosie held for us all.  To cry, rejoice, be silent and ultimately unleash the power within – our feminine energy.

Feminine what?  I have been challenged by this, especially in recent months.  What is my feminine energy?  After all I built up all those layers of protection…all 132.7kgs of them to protect me from dealing with this stuff!  I have operated from my masculine self for a lot of years now…however, the universe had other ideas and so I found myself in a warm, candlelight and non-judgemental space, sweating intensely (ok, perhaps I did have a few nerves!) though I was ready to embrace this experience.

I became so incredibly connected with myself, it seemed that I blinked and the evening was coming to an end.  For 3 hours, I had experienced emotions and feelings that were unfamiliar, challenging, releasing, empowering and heart-braking all in a short while.  My heart was grateful, both to myself for being brave, to Rosie for her gift and to the other ladies who shared the space.  For me and the wellness journey I began back in 2011, I realised I need to love my body for exactly how it is today.  This has been confronting!  For all it’s loose skin, stretch marks and its own unique shape…even putting my hands on my stomach and connecting with that feeling raised a well of emotions within.

My wish is that my sharing empowers you to continue to heal from within….to grow, to learn, to be curious, to release, to connect and to be the best version of you.  Thank You for sharing this journey with me and I hope my sharing has been received with the open heart space, empowerment and courage in which it is intended.  It has absolutely enriched my lifes journey, the relationship I have with myself, my husband and our family.


Holistic Wellness…

Use a Kinesiologist

Yay to that! Both Chiropractic care and Kinesiology have changed my life.
I passionately believe of the power to heal ourselves with holistic

If you have never dipped your toes into this side of life (just as I hadn’t!),
then do yourself a favour – don’t judge, embrace your curiosity and connect
with a professional practitioner.
Learn more at

Be Open 🙂


Are you thinking too much

Is this you? Do you find yourself over-thinking things…or perhaps its even
unconscious thinking!

We all do it. The art is to find yourself doing it and change your dialogue,
either STOP IT or use it as constructive and positive chatter to enhance your
day or situation.

Perhaps you find yourself doing this when you can’t resolve something/feel a bit
‘stuck’ on a decision. Here are a few ideas I have found ever so empowering…
starting with changing your environment. Don’t stay stuck in your head, get out
of it and you can do this many ways including…

* Going for a walk
* Do a workout
* Sit on grass, in the sunshine
* Read a book
* Remove yourself from technology
* Enjoy a smoothie

And importantly, DON’T think! By changing your mindset, you will be pleasantly
surprised when, at the right time, with positive energy and in the right moment it
WILL come to you.

Trust in yourself and the universe!