Reflecting…Did you take the time?

Prior to focussing on the new year ahead, I like to hit the pause button and enjoy a few moments of reflection for the year that was, 2015.

For me, this provides…

  • Gratitude, and
  • Perspective

A wonderful opportunity to see where I am doing well and other areas that may need more of my focus.  To summarise 2015, for me it consisted of much growth and learning, both at a professional and personal level.  In some cases, that meant I didn’t achieve goals I had set.  Did this initially frustrate me?  Absolutely!

However, if there is one thing I have learned throughout my health journey, it’s patience.  Rather than my previous self-sabotaging thoughts, I was able to reflect, ask myself some honest questions and re-focus.  This meant ‘change’ which is a whole other story for another time!  Needless to say though, it pushes my buttons.  Sometimes the mind has the goal set, however the body and our universe have other ideas.

Reflection provided me the perspective to realise there were reasons for not achieving certain goals and I’m grateful for that opportunity to pause and then move forward with renewed perspective, goals and motivation.

Did you allow yourself the time to reflect, hit the pause button and then move forward ready for living your best life in 2016?  It’s never too late…

Best Friend or Worst Enemy



Connect with you xx

Connect with you xx

Happy Monday!

After the enjoyment of this past long weekend, often times the Monday morning arrives and we get heavy on ourselves, that self-sabotage kicks in, even unknowingly!  We start wishing for the ‘one more day, why do I have to work 5 days’ and on the list goes.  I often call it the ‘Woe is me’.

It’s not productive to the positivity of your life…at all!

On the flip side, checking in with yourself and your Gratitude Gauge totally is!  So, I invite you to make a choice, shift from the ‘woe is me’ and tune in with an abundance of gratitude today and always.  It enrichens your life and sure keeps that positive switch running.

Here is a little of my own personal sharing after a weekend blessed with relaxing reading, family time, laughs, sunshine, clean eating and hugs.  I’m truly grateful xx

Let’s spread the gratitude and share this with your mates.  Imagine a world with an abundance of Gratitude!  Enjoy the rain on this refreshingly cool morning:-)