Throwback Thursday…

I’m reflecting back on the time clock today, to March 2012 and that time when I participated in my very first fun run.

So much has happened!

  • I began my health journey, making consistent and significant lifestyle changes
  • I found my love to run, after telling my PT ‘I don’t run’, lol!!
  • Throughout my health journey my family have been an amazing support for me
  • I set goals, I trained, I kept training, I stayed focussed
  • Sure, I’ve had self doubt, tears and sore muscles
  • And there have been times when I’ve had amazing self belief, that which I could conquer any challenge



Kylie - March 2013 - 68kg

Especially of recent, I’ve had to remind myself that at times we all face challenges, take a side step from our path.  That was definitely me in 2016/17!!  Checkout that full story in the link below…

But, Why???

Despite those super challenging times, there has been amazing growth.  It’s only now that I can reflect upon that with a sense of gratitude and understanding.

I’m ready to move forward again, as opposed to what I felt was side-ways moves, even in some cases no progress at all!!!  And to continue releasing that heavy excess baggage.

I’m back working with my Chiropractor & Kinesiologist.  My energy levels have improved just these past 10 weeks, approx.  I can even feel a different mindset, a more positive approach to life.  And I’m back into training…

  • Regular exercise
  • Sleeping better
  • Eating better, listening more to my body

And I’ve just signed up to do the Bridge to Brisbane in August 🙂

I really hope my sharing inspires you, no matter where you are in life to be ok with yourself, that sometimes we do lose sight, we step sideways or may not feel we are moving forward in the manner in which we wish.

Most importantly….NEVER GIVE UP!  Keep going, take time to rejuvenate, engage professional assistance where you need it.  And be super patient.  Surround yourself with a great support network.

You’ve got this!

Stress Less Laugh More Love Lots


Are you feeling it?

It is full moon time…

I woke this morning

  • With an uncomfortable back, felt like my adrenals were screaming;
  • With the sun beaming in on me, meaning I had slept in – it was already 8am!  Which for me IS definitely a sleep in;
  • Looked in the mirror to be greeted with puffy eyes!  Looking like I had woken from a night on the town, yet I had a relaxing evening at home with hubby, listening to music and nourishing on a home-cooked meal.  If you know me well, you know I don’t go out on the town!!
  • Feeling ‘delicate’ is the best way to describe it;

In years gone by, I had NO IDEA about the sensitivities and energy from full moon, new moon and the different cycles.  However, fast forward to being much more in tune with myself, feelings, energy levels and a great holistic appreciation.  I am aware that, at times I do feel sensitive to the moon cycles.  Sometimes I feel it more than others – and it can be in very different ways.

Are you aware of the different moon cycles?  Do you have an awareness of your feelings or energy levels around these different times in the calendar?

I’m grateful for pausing as I woke this morning, taking a moment to lay in bed, use my intuition and listen to my body.  That helped me in making the decision to be kind to myself today.  To be gentle.  Therefore, my day after stepping from bed, has looked like…

  • Sitting in the sunshine;
  • I didn’t initially have an appetite, so I didn’t eat til late – homemade pancakes;
  • Meditation;

I think you get the picture.  Kindness, self care, self love – they are all high priorities for me today.  More about ‘being’ and less about ‘doing’.

This evening, hubby and I are going to find a relaxing spot, quite possibly with our jumpers on, sitting outside and soaking up more of those full moon vibes.

What tools do you use in coping and manifesting with the change of natures energy?  Are you practicing self care today?

Feel welcome to share with us your rituals.  It’s such a great way to learn from our healthy community.




Monday Motivation…

Taking some positive vibes through the week, I offer you to ask yourself the question…

  • Am I shining?
  • Do I hold myself back?
  • Am I being authentic?
  • What’s one thing I can focus on to shine my light into the world?

Just to keep perspective, this is individual for us all.  It’s not about comparing this with your bestie or perceiving your shining needs to be big…It’s about YOU.

It might be…

  • I will sit and listen to the children about their day, rather than trying to cook dinner and listen at the same time;
  • I will rise 15 minutes earlier, just once this week and sit, connect with myself and breathe

I think you get the picture 🙂

Feel welcome to pop by this space and share your shining story with us.  Have yourself and awesome week and remember be kind to you xx


Time to Shine



I started to write this blog several weeks ago.  As you can see from the above screenshot, I didn’t get too far…There was always a distraction, a self doubt, a fear of judgement, an excuse for never actually writing it!!

In the end I decided I would write it, even if I didn’t end up sharing it with you.  Often the therapy and cleansing effect is purely in the writing.  I sat with it, and knew that the power is actually in the sharing – in being vulnerable, if people judge – it’s their issue.  Of course, this was after I gathered my own internal negative thoughts!!!

I get that not everyone will connect my story and that’s ok.  Though it’s taken courage, bravery and buckets of self doubt to write this one, so the only thing I ask is for respect and kindness.  We all have a story.

I am definitely a ‘why’ kinda person.  When I understand ‘why’ I feel empowered, I can better understand, I feel educated, I can process ‘stuff’.  Though, as I’ve learned, sometimes ‘The Why’ is not possible to fully understand.  Being able to come to peace with that has challenged me, but I also know its formed a greater personal growth.

The past is the past, I will never fully understand ‘The Why’ and I am finally at peace with that, but it has taken a solid journey, many tears, dark days and solid support from family and professionals.

My past story doesn’t define me for the future…In fact it only makes me stronger, more resilient and courageous.  So, what is the story?

I’m going to keep it as empowering, informative, honest and inspiring as possible.  For you and for me.  Giving air time to the details of the trauma is not the purpose of me sharing and is not uplifting in anyway, for either of us.  I made a choice recently to cease giving away my power to that past trauma.

For lots of years now I had successfully blocked the traumatic memories of my childhood.  I often joke that I did that with sausage rolls and Big Macs but that in part is true…it was through emotional eating as my friend that held those memories down.  The more of my health journey that played out – clean eating, exercise, losing weight and emotional cleansing the more ‘those’ memories started to return.  At first, I honestly thought I was crazy.  If I share these memories with anyone they will laugh at me, not believe me, not want to be my friend, judge me and of course I had all the self doubt internally going on – Did this really happen to me?  Well, the truth of that is YES and even that took time to find acceptance with.

This night changed everything…

TBSD Conference - Kylie Sharing

Speaking at a conference.  The presentation went fabulous…From the music, my opening lines, engaging the audience, humour woven through the story.  I had my hair done, Rob bought a new suit.  The very moment I took the stage I felt that I owned it, the nerves disappeared.  That ‘I’ve got this’ feeling was with me.   Awesome.

Before I knew it the evening was coming to an end with flurries of guests chatting, some partying on, others saying their farewells.  Amid all this busy-ness I had become separated from Rob.  And just like that the conference room was quite, I seemed to be the only one as I grabbed my handbag to then seek out Rob.  Seemingly from nowhere 2 men appeared, both waayyy beyond drunk!

In the blink of an eye, there I am cornered behind a door, with these 2 men exceeding the boundaries of personal space.   Their alcoholic breaths smothering me.  I froze, felt trapped, the rational part of my brain was not there for me to access, the energy of these men was only rising.  My voice was absent, I wanted to speak, to scream, the words were not there…it was as though my voice had temporarily left my body.

Being trapped by those men, bought back the very memories from my childhood that I had so successfully shut down.  The emotions experienced that evening took me back to the traumas of that little girl, aka my younger self.  The abuse that little innocent girl suffered.  My voice had been silenced.  The physical and emotional scars, left unhealed, unspoken – were still within me.

There are some things a little girl should NEVER have to experience.  Certainly not at the hands of her father OR other so called trusted men!

From that day forward, my adult-life changed…the joy of the past several years’ health journey seemed a distant memory amongst the haze and overwhelm of childhood memories.  So many aspects of my health suffered.  I felt shame, amongst the emotional rollercoaster of energy zapping, trapped childhood traumas…where to go, to whom do I speak.  The loss of personal power AND my voice!

THE WHY seemed to consume my every thought.  And so on went the flow of emotions, unanswered questions, lack of energy and honestly on some days it was just a struggle to get dressed and ‘show up’.

I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today without…

  • The amazing support of my family
  • Professional support with trauma releasing therapy
  • I’ve used yoga, reiki, chakra clearing, meditation, journalling
  • Reflexology
  • And, the countless articles I’ve read about how others have healed from their sexual abuse traumas

I had had such an amazing health journey and then THIS!!!  It wasn’t part of the plan, I felt like a failure…

  • The self doubt
  • The negative thoughts
  • The weight gain
  • The total lack of energy
  • Inflammation in the body
  • Lack of appetite


I gotta tell you clean eating and exercise is soooo much easier than emotional baggage.  I’ve said this since the very beginning of my health journey…the emotional processing is challenging for me.  Yet, as I say these very words I also KNOW it’s the most empowering.

So, I had to embrace the healing, be patient, embrace an even higher level of courage – honestly I didn’t think I had it in me!  There were some days I thought it would just be easier to give up.

There is one ‘why’ that I do understand – my love and passion for public speaking, gives me a voice.  The voice that was silenced within that little girl.

There was one significant choice I needed to make…To move from victim to personal empowerment.  The past stories and traumas no longer define my future.  I can’t change the past events, but I can move beyond them.  This is where my focus is.

My purpose for sharing my story with you is many…

  • Life is not always green smoothies, positive vibes and triathlon training
  • To empower you, especially women to process your emotions, to learn about stepping into personal power
  • To always speak your truth
  • To learn the skill of processing emotions
  • There is strength in vulnerability
  • We all have a responsibility to ensure these events don’t continue to get passed down through family generations

I’ve learned so so much…

  • A greater awareness about energy
  • The way things LOOK isn’t always WHAT IS.
  • My family truly are amazing.  My husband really is an angel gifted to me.
  • No judgements
  • My past WAS playing out in so many areas of my life, I just wasn’t listening

Finally, the energy to exercise, to go to yoga, to appreciate the sunshine, to cuddle with my hubby is returning….Life looks brighter, the cloud has shifted and I believe I will continue this way, as I shift my focus and for that I’m so grateful.






Hi There

I’ve recently realised that I have not written a blog post in this space since 2017!!!

Despite writing being something I really love doing.  I find it cleansing for myself and sharing and hopefully empowering for you, with your life and health.

Without a doubt 2017 was the most personally challenging of my adult life.  I’ve been doing some massive emotional cleansing.  I have found this stuff really heavy to clear – It’s been tough going.  Though, as you’ve possibly heard me say previously the emotional cleansing aspect of your health is without a doubt the most empowering, deeply enriching.

The little quote below is a gentle reminder to me, to continue keeping my mind clear.  Hopefully you can draw some positive vibes from this also.

Keep Calm and Clear Your Mind

Thanks for receiving this into your social media InBox and I’d be ever so grateful if you would be patient with me as I continue this emotional cleansing and deep personal growth.

I’ve had some ‘aha’ moments recently and really feel a cloud has lifted for me.  I’m choosing to see life differently.

With these changes, I’ll definitely share with you a little more about my personal health challenges of 2017 and other tips, stories, recipes and articles of interest with the focus on health, happiness and freedom.  Never more has ‘Kylies Courage’ been more relevant for me and I wish for that to continue spreading energy.

Thank You

So many who have befriended, inspired, nurtured educated and supported me. Thank You xo.

Healthy Chats

Gosh, it was a solid few weeks ago now when Gary and I caught up for a chat and a coffee.

Honestly, I didn’t know Gary all that well prior.  We mutually connected as members of a business networking group through The Hills & Districts Chamber of Commerce.

As it happens, Gary has quite an appreciation for his health.  So, with no surprise Gary and I could still be chatting about health – eating, exercise and more.  I think you get just how much fun we were having which is reflected in these pics!

Pic - Chats with Gary

Gary was sharing with me of his experience, embarking on a 28 day challenge – exercise and nutrition regime, together with his wife.  We also chatted about different recipes, his latest smoothie creation, sweeteners and more.

As it turns out Gary and his wife enjoyed the challenge so much, that they have done it twice now.

I also never knew that Gary was a former hockey player and also plays cricket, as do his sons.  I love these kind of new meetings…you just never know what you will learn about someone.

When Gary isn’t chatting about health, you’ll find him as an essential ingredient to business ‘Tradesmen on Time’.  You may have heard of these guys, they sure have some accolades behind them and deservedly so.  We’ve used their services a few times now and their tradies are super polite, on time, reliable, even remove their boots before entering AND clean up any mess they make!  Check them out at

Thanks for the great coffee too Gary 🙂



What Active Nation Day 2017 really taught me…

You may recall my blog from last week…Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, well this is kind of an extension of that sharing.  In case you missed it, here is the link…

A couple of weeks ago, sitting at this cute little organic cafe at Samford, having just eaten  a mouth-watering lunch (equally drooling picture below) left my tastebuds dancing…you know that kinda feeling that your body is giving you a hug saying a big ‘THANK YOU’.




Sweet Potato



Sprouts, fresh lime and more…you get the picture!!


By this stage, my insides are shining and so is the sun.  Que…mobile phone rings.  For the purpose of this story, I’ll get to the point.  It’s Lorna Jane’s office inviting me to speak at their Active Nation Day event that weekend.  I thank Tahlia, hang up the phone, 3 words – Thank You World.  Feeling = grateful, delighted.

And then, in the blink of an eye, my inner voice says ‘Holy Crap’…and then the negativity starts – what are you going to say, you haven’t done a public speaking gig in a while, time to prepare, what to wear…I paused, breathed, looked out to the sunshine and said ‘STOP’. You will be fine, you’ve got this!  #believe

If you follow my blog or take a browse across any of my social media, I’m certain you will feel my energy of respect, belief and appreciation of Lorna, the beautiful lady herself (authentic comes to mind) AND her activewear brand.

I used to ‘write’ all my public speaking, like right down to a smile.  I learned early on, that whilst it’s great to be prepared for the audience, to know your stuff, to engage, to laugh and so on, to do all that you need to be authentic and that’s when I stopped writing every last word.

Now, I write a few key words (you know, like as a memory jog) and I roll with, connecting with the audience, myself and the occasion. So, that Saturday afternoon I grabbed a notebook and pen and logically thought through what I could share with a few hundred women from my 6 + year health journey…to inspire and empower – to connect and to be real.

I said ‘this is your opportunity to use your voice Kylie’ …a quick mental image of just why I formed Kylies Courage.


You see I love public speaking. For me, it’s a platform to share and reach as many people as I can…to inspire, to educate and empower. Ultimately spreading awareness of living a greater life…of health, of reaching your potential, of being the very best version of ourselves possible, to embrace growth, learning, self love, green smoothies or warm ginger tea.

You see, I last spoke at a conference a couple of years ago now, which left me frightened and in a situation where I lost my voice after an incident with 2 very drunk men threatened my personal safety. Thank goodness a lady intervened.  It rocked me, threw me to the curb, shook me up and in terms of public speaking left me feeling without my voice!

TBSD Conference - Kylie Sharing

At the time, little did I know that this night and my journey of public speaking would take me through the lessons, the tears, the pain, the why and all the highs and lows AND be possibly one of my biggest life lessons.

For me, public speaking has been a huge journey.


That incident with those men bought up every little piece of the ugly, confusing and frightening abuse I suffered as a child. To the point, I withdrew, started putting on weight, suffered throat issues, lost all energy, my skin had rashes and on goes the list of challenges.

There were times when I honestly thought that mentally I was losing it!!  I actually felt like screaming at times. I felt ashamed that I founded Kylies Courage from my amazing health journey and yet I found myself in such poor health.  Not to mention the shame that I felt surrounding the abuse.  The abuse that I had been told to tuck away so quietly and deeply for sooo long.  The strain of that became so heavy to carry, too heavy.

I even withdrew from seeing my Kinesiologist who had helped me so much along my journey.  He had helped me achieve some really great stuff – with my health and my life. Ironically it was a chat with him, one day, in a moment of bravery that helped me onto my path of healing.  Now, that’s a whole other story for another day.

Though, as I continue on these new chapters of my journey of life…

  • Of healing
  • Trying to understand
  • Releasing those deep emotions
  • Practicing self love
  • Regaining my energy, and
  • Fine tuning my nourishment

I paused to reflect on the Sunday of Active Nation Day, after what was a beautiful morning of celebration, health, hugs, chats, kindness and more.  I felt an immense, deep gratitude for the gift I had been given…I had my voice again.  To engage in public speaking and to share the story of Kylies Courage.

And yes, my presentation went great, we laughed, we sweated, shared and hopefully empowered a whole group of women to greater health and life.  I hardly even looked at my notes!!

Active Nation Day 2017 gifted me the lessons of…

  • Self Love
  • Women supporting and encouraging women
  • No judgements
  • No comparing
  • Kindness
  • My voice…we all have a voice!

Active Nation Day 2017 - LJ Love You Sign


Since THAT night, I have learned to really embrace these 3 things.  They have served and supported me (along with loved ones) through what’s been some of the toughest, darkest times – in life and certainly since beginning my health journey 6+ years ago, and they are…

  • Never give up
  • Believe in you
  • Self love

And, Be Courageous…cause sometimes you’re gonna need to get a bit gutsy!

At the time, Lorna Jane’s office actually had no idea of just how significant their invitation was for me to share my journey with those at Active Nation Day.  One thing is for sure, it is a gesture of kindness that I will always remember.  And another significant milestone in my health journey.  Kindness spreads Kindness xx.

Active Nation Day 2017 - Lorna and Kylie Laughing



Fruit & Nut Slice

It’s a classic…this is one of the very first recipes I created myself.  Out of a desire to eat healthier and yet still enjoy a little treat.

Whether you see it as a weakness or not, I still love to sit and enjoy a coffee (long black is my fav!) and share in a little sweety treat.  Eating clean and healthy and following great lifestyle choices that enhance my everyday living, doesn’t mean it’s boring and doesn’t mean I go without.  I honestly believe this is why I’ve been able to continue to live this healthier lifestyle.

I know I’ve shared this recipe previously and if you’re over it, then please just delete it.  What I do hope for, is that this reaches someone who really enjoys and gets just as much enjoyment and inspiration in the kitchen as I do – when I first created it and for every occasion I’ve made it since – it always gets lots of compliments when sharing with others and for me that’s part of the joy in creating delicious, nourishing foods.

Of course, with all my recipes just adjust it to your own tastes and likings.  This is a great one for also using what you already have in the pantry.  It’s that no stress, no fuss approach I enjoy in my own kitchen.  You don’t have pistachios…no problem, just replace it with another type of nut!  Have fun with it 🙂

Fruit & Nut Slice Recipe

So much goodness…

Still feeling the positive vibes into my day today, flourishing from 2017 Active Nation Day yesterday with so much goodness to soak up from the celebrations.

🎉The energy
🎉Nothing like a good sweat session, delivered by BUF Girls
🎉Active Living Awards
🎉Inspired Sharing
🎉Lots of laughs and hugs
🎉Yoga from the team at Being Yoga
🎉Goodie Bags
🎉RSPCA Donation
🎉Yummy treats…like have you ever tried Watermelon Juice??

Active Nation Day 2017 - Watermelon Water


It’s super refreshing, I imagine it might be quite a hit in summer!  Sweeter in taste than I thought and the girls mentioned about creating a slushie with it…sounds just like summer doesn’t it?  Take a peak at




Thank you to Lorna Jane for the opportunity to share snippets of my health journey, which started 6 years ago now, Wow!!

To all the Ladies who come and said Hi and chatted with me…A warm and heartfelt, Thank You for making my Active Nation Day so extra enjoyable. I love sharing health chats.  It’s such a great way to learn from each other.  As you may have picked up…I love chatting all things Health and Wellness!!

Wishing you all an inspiring week ahead. Here’s to adding a little more self love to our daily rituals.

Be Courageous xx

Active Nation Day 2017 - Pic Story



Muffins…Yes Please!

Our passionfruit vine is definitely on the grow…Click on the link below for a delicious recipe for using your passionfruit this season.

Choc Chia & Passionfruit Muffins - Pic

Choc Chia & Passionfruit Muffins

Other great uses for passionfruit…

  • Smoothies
  • Chia Porridge
  • Stand and eat…like, they’re so delicious, sometimes you don’t need to do anything with them, but just enjoy 🙂

Share your passionfruit ideas here with us.  Happy Baking!