Festive Wishes

Blessed Festive Season

From Me…to you

I’ve loved connecting with you via this social media platform. Where we have the opportunity to share, learn and inspire each other.  Thank You.

May you enjoy this festive and holiday season in a manner which connects with you and your loved ones.  May we all continue to flourish in 2016.

Health, Happiness & Freedom to you always xx


Time for Cake!

Looking for a little kitchen inspiration for the upcoming weekend? Then you really should whip up this Pear & Cardamom Cake. Here is a snap of mine I took from the oven yesterday…By the way, dessert was delicious last night! All the family loved it 🙂

Pear and Cardamom Cake - MNB Recipe1

I definitely can’t claim this one as my own…This inspiration (and recipe) have come courtesy of the talented team from the Move Nourish Believe blog over at Lorna Jane. I love the inspiration from these ladies. So, follow the link and be inspired to jump into the kitchen and get creative 🙂



I was absolutely curious!

I recently was fortunate to meet Connie Allen, from Griffith University who is conducting a study as part of her PHD program, of people who have achieved High-Level Wellness.

Connie and I were going to spend about an hour together…Both passionate about health & happiness, I think Connie and I ended up speaking/interviewing for about 4 hours. We chatted from anything like what a day of health & happiness looks like for me, what life was like back at 132.7kgs, the journey to where I am today and even infected belly buttons!!

Great to see our universities putting funding into the future of health.

Where to now? If you would like to know more about Connie, her future vision and Wellness Way Finders pop over to http://www.wellnesswayfinders.com.au

Griffith Uni Logo



I recently visited another place…I can’t tell you it’s name, as I am unsure myself. Though what I can share with you, is that it was peaceful, calm, relaxing and rather what I would describe as ‘blissful’. Physically my body was laying in the beauty salon at Kindred Toxin Free Facials, Bulimba…though my mind was transported to ‘bliss’.

I realised it has possibly been 10 years (or more!) since I had a facial, not just any facial, a toxic free one. Natalie Sellars’ focus is on ‘toxin free’ products and not necessary organics. This is an interesting and educational conversation to have with Natalie. I chose a treatment from the facial menu – ‘Grace’ which also included a foot massage.

Blissfully embracing this experience, Natalie said to me ‘Ok, Kylie this is your time. It’s time for us to stop the chatter and for you to really enjoy this experience’. I’m ever so grateful for this suggestion as it allowed me to truly be immersed in the experience. A little self-love, if you like.

After my 75 minutes of bliss, I returned to be welcomed by a cup of tea, piece of chocolate and as Natalie said to me ‘Take your time, enjoy your cuppa and I’ll see you soon’. Then I realised I actually had to get up, lol!!! I did as Natalie suggested, enjoyed my cuppa and took my time.

If you value friendly customer service, Natalie’s beauty experience and knowledge, respect for her clients and toxic free products (remember what goes on our skin also gets absorbed into our bodies), then you may wish to give Nat a call or visit her at http://www.kindredtoxinfreefacials.com.au

Toxin Free Beauty

Toxin Free Beauty



At Luz, they believe in the philosophy of nature.  Who is Luz?  I’m so pleased you asked.

I first met some of the Luz Team at the Gluten Free Food Expo earlier this year and recently spent the morning with Julie-Anne chatting all things Luz.  Luz is all about ‘Fresh Cold Pressed Almond Milk’. Their range includes:

  • Original (Unsweetened Almond Milk)
  • Medjool Date Almond Milk
  • And their newest release ‘Espresso’ Almond Milk

Did you know the possible health benefits of Almond Milk?  It’s bursting with nutrients such as vitamin E, zinc, iron and more.

Julie-Anne and I could still be chatting!  One of the nicest things about Luz, is not only their passion for their products, but health in general including a beautiful story of just how Luz came to be.

Whilst Luz are busily delivering quality pesticide free products, they also have some great plans underway including location of their production facilities here in Brisbane.

I was blessed to receive bottles of this nourishing goodness for a little taste testing.  Such a tough gig!!!

My Personal Trainer, Roy Webster also helped me out, knowing how much of a diary lover Roy is. And so, to quote Roy’s thoughts following his tasting of the Medjool Date Almond Milk…’Loved the almond milk and that is coming from a true dairy lover.  Loved it, would buy it!!!’  Thanks so much for assisting with this tough gig, Roy.

Meanwhile I tasted both the original and espresso.  I had previously tasted the original and thoroughly enjoyed this nourishing, though light and naturally, refreshing taste.  A smooth, yet lighter texture to something such as a coconut milk which can be heavier on digestion, for some.

And, the espresso.  Well anyone who knows me also knows that I appreciate a great coffee and the espresso is definitely my personal favourite.  Being a coffee drinker I appreciate the actual espresso taste which packs a satisfying, though not overpowering punch and is super, super smooth.

I also decided to use the original blend in our regular breakfast pancakes.  These are the MNB Choc-Chia pancakes and call for a coconut milk, usually.  The pancakes were equally delicious and possibly even a little lighter using the almond milk.  The versatility is great!

Like to know a little more about Luz, visit them to find out where your local stockist is and more at www.luzalmond.com

Thanks to Julie-Anne and the Luz team for what you are delivering to our ever-growing and health conscious market.  It would seem your passion and research is being warmly received.