Keep Growing…

  • Surround yourself with your tribe;
  • Be inspired;
  • Stay motivated;
  • Maintain your focus;

These are just some of the statements you may have heard along your life journey.  How do you achieve these things?

I am constantly looking to continue my own growth, albeit personal or professional.  I know there is a whole world of ‘learning’ wealth out there for me.  One of the methods I use for growth and learning is reading.  Though, I haven’t always enjoyed to read.  It is only in recent years that I have found my joy in reading…Why? What does reading do for me?

I realised my ‘why’ in this new-found joy of reading comes from the source ie I’m reading books that:

  • Inspire Me;
  • Ignite emotions within me;
  • They raise my curiosity.  That happy space in my brain that continues to see me asking ‘why’ and ‘how’ and ‘what if’ and ‘really’?
  • Spark my imagination…Like imagine spending just one day with Richard Branson!
  • Answer, unanswered questions;
  • Connect me – to new people, new thoughts and new experiences.

So, before you next dive into your local bookstore or jump online, ask yourself a few questions about your ‘why’ of what you are looking for in a read.  Sometimes, the best book for you may not necessarily be the one your colleague or friend has just read.  For me, it has to connect with my ‘why’ at that time.  And, at different times you will connect with different reads and for different reasons.

Last Easter I read a book that I’d had on my bookshelf for over 7 years, unread!  And for whatever the reason I was ready to read it at that time.  I picked it up, fell deeply connected with it and read it in the 4 days of the Easter Break.  Below is my most recent read.  Once again, I connected deeply with it and read it within a week.

One of my favourite rituals is to sit in the early morning on the front deck, in the sunshine with a coffee and read.  It’s such a blissful and peaceful way to begin my day.


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Wednesday Wisdom

Conscious, consistent lifestyle choices lead to a healthier and

happier life, a higher level of thinking, an empowered and

inspired life…What’s your choice today?

Whats for lunch today