Eating real food…dangerous??

Well it seems that A Current Affair and Pete Evans are at it again! It’s not often that I’m even on the same channel as ACA, however last night I did catch this story as I flicked!! So, here is my offering to the story…I’ll stick with what I know, from my own health journey.

I haven’t seen Pete’s new documentary, so I won’t offer to comment specifically on that. Though I have followed Pete’s paleo path. From my own journey, here is what I do know.

ACA and Pete Evans

Let’s face it, our bodies are pretty wise places to live, they send us messages all the time…we just need to listen! Gosh, I only wrote about this yesterday.

  • There is a great divide between conventional medicine and holistic medicine.
  • When I last departed my GP’s office, politely thanked him and said ‘I’m giving to give Chiropractic & Kinesiology care a try’ he looked at me and said ‘Really Kylie, what’s this Kinesiology stuff going to do for you’ to which I replied ‘I don’t know but I’m going to try’. Our parting words were ‘Good luck because you’re going to need it’. That same GP didn’t recognise me some 3 years later when I visited him.  Astonished that Chiropractic & Kinesiology care had actually improved (massively) my health…who’d of thought hey, a speechless GP.
  • I do believe that food is medicine…nature’s medicine. Or if you like ‘Food is Fuel’ for our body. If we put in great quality produce, in turn we will function at our premium best. Or, if we choose to put poor quality, toxic and pesticide-laced produce in, then chances are we won’t be firing on all cylinders! Yes, this is my actual experience.
  • Once I changed from eating fast foods, copious amounts of take-away, sausage rolls, packet food, potato chips, sugar-laiden cakes and so on my life significantly changed. The fog, cloud lifted. I could think clearly, had more energy, my thoughts were more positive, my body started to shed excess weight and I realised THIS IS LIVING!
  • I call it clean eating…it’s just real wholesome food or SLOW food as I sometimes refer. Seasonal, Local, Organic, Wholesome. My eating style is not labelled by paleo, vegan, raw, vegetarian or any other label. It’s just real wholesome, clean food that helps my body thrive, at it’s best.
  • In the story with Pete Evans last night, I wonder if anyone ever thought that the best ‘evidence’ may not come from studies, universities or your GP? I would suggest that great studies come from our very own bodies, tuning in and listening to what they have to say and responding accordingly. Sometimes they are happy, sometimes they are screaming for us to give them what they need…nutritionally or emotionally.
  • In the fast-paced world we live in today, this takes time, it takes change, it takes a huge shift in thinking, in embracing a new and sustainable lifestyle.
  • Perhaps loading people up with prescription medications, also known as the ‘band aid solution’ isn’t working!!! Hello, our current over-crowded, overloaded, stressed out health care system. Rather it’s about diving deep into the core of the issue which would be the best and most powerful outcome for everyone, this requires more than just reaching for the prescription pad. Then again, this wouldn’t make for as healthy a profit for the conventional health industry, or would it?

Whilst from my sharings, you may feel I don’t believe in conventional medicine. Actually, I believe there is a place in the world for both styles. There are times when you will need conventional medicine…Break an elbow, then you’re going to need surgery. On the flipside, I believe it’s time for cultural change…for the two differing styles within the medical world to respect each others paths and bridge the gap. Is it possible to work in harmony?

If you missed the story and you’d like to watch…here it is

Please keep in mind what I have offered here is all based upon my very own experiences from both sides of health and wellness – conventional and holistic. It’s not been studied in a university, it’s not had lecturers written about it, it’s not paid for, it’s something I’m passionate about and so I’m offering you my sharing, from a real life experience, mine! My wish is that it empowers you.



The Seasons…

As you know I love to follow seasonal produce with my choices of clean eating.  For me this has several benefits:

  • My body gets to experience nourishing on a variety of seasonal produce;
  • I learn to try new things – both taste and texture;  You know step outside that comfort zone!
  • I also learn different nutritional values;
  • What makes my body thrive and what doesn’t!;
  • When there is an abundant supply of produce, it usually translates to cost effective purchasing;

At the moment I am really enjoying nourishing on the pears that are in season.  As you know I like to purchase mostly organic produce and shop locally at weekend markets.  Here are some of the things I like to do with pears:

  • A snack on their own – juicy and sweet!
  • Add them to smoothies;
  • Bake clean eating treats with them…some of my favourites are pear and chia muffins or pear and cardamom cake!
  • Steam them in a little cinnamon
  • You could add them to your morning porridge, oats or chia seed pudding…as we move into the cooler months of the year here in Brisbane!

Share with us some of your favourite ways to enjoy pears 🙂



In the kitchen…

Because some things just turn out awesomely the first time…with no recipe!

It’s always good to get honest feedback about my baking and the family gave this one a big thumbs up 🙂

This ‘creation’ was inspired by my desire to use some local, fresh pecans from a colleague.  I love trying out new ingredients and thinking about what ingredients will partner well together.

So, with no recipe to give you, this ended up being a mixture of

  • Dry Roasted Pecans (smashed)
  • Fresh – Blueberries, Strawberries and Raspberries
  • Shredded Coconut (a little extra for the topping)
  • Almond Meal
  • Hazelnut Meal
  • Tapioca Flour
  • Eggs
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sweetener (I used Birch Xylitol)
  • Bi Carb

I don’t have measurements to give you…but I will offer you this – You can create any recipe from exploring and using your intuition.  This is how I have taught myself.

There are only 2 outcomes…it will be a success or it will be a learning experience.  Either way, pop into the kitchen this festive season, use your intuition, bake with love and most of all have fun xx

Coconut Berry Pecan Loaf

Time for Cake!

Looking for a little kitchen inspiration for the upcoming weekend? Then you really should whip up this Pear & Cardamom Cake. Here is a snap of mine I took from the oven yesterday…By the way, dessert was delicious last night! All the family loved it 🙂

Pear and Cardamom Cake - MNB Recipe1

I definitely can’t claim this one as my own…This inspiration (and recipe) have come courtesy of the talented team from the Move Nourish Believe blog over at Lorna Jane. I love the inspiration from these ladies. So, follow the link and be inspired to jump into the kitchen and get creative 🙂



It seems we often enjoy this salad particularly during the festive season.

Though honestly, with seasonal ingredients it would be delicious all year round!

Click on the picture below for the recipe and…Enjoy.

Summer Seafood Salad



Eat Seasonal!

Eat Seasonal!

Here it is! As I shared with you recently, beetroot is beautifully in season at present and talking to me each week at the markets, which is a great way to shop local, organic, seasonal and efficiently. It also teaches me to create, often times with ingredients I wouldn’t regularly use and I love growing from this experience. This means more to share with you:-)

The longest part is in the roasting of the beetroot…once that is done, it’s whipped up in about 15 minutes! An ideal snack for afternoon nibbles, great to take to social gatherings, picnics and more.

Did is you know beetroot is a great source of nutrients, including it’s richness in Folate and Manganese!  Enjoy:-)

Moroccan Carrot Salad

This salad is almost like eating a rainbow – Not that I ever have, lol! With such colour, amazing texture and awesomely nourishing.  We enjoyed ours with BBQ grilled chicken.

I equally think it would be delicious with baked fish or quite simply, a boiled egg.  I really wanted the star of the meal to be the salad:-)

What makes this even more appealing to me is the use of organic and seasonal produce. The fresh beetroot are talking to me as I approach them at the markets at present.

When you think about it they offer good nutrition and are ever versatile.  Grated through salads, in smoothies, baked or even used to create my tasty Roasted Beetroot Dip (I’ll be sure to share that one with you soon!).  Produce is always best and most cost effective when in season. Enjoy taking a browse through some local, organic fresh food markets.

Wishing you much Health, Happiness & Freedom 🙂

Moroccan Carrot Salad – Recipe